20.11 Enhancements and Changes
1. Extra columns on the Late Orders Report
[12502] Add columns for note, order number and ISBN to late orders page
2. [15329] Show budget in addition to fund for late orders in acquisition
3. [24161] Add ability to track the claim dates of later orders
4. [24162] Add quantity column to the late orders table
5. [27794] Add link to biblio in lateorders page
6. Enhancements for Purchase Suggestions
[23591] Add a new “Suggestions details” tab on bibliographic record
7. [23592] Add a shortcut from suggestion details to the bibliographic details in the staff client
8. [23593] Add a shortcut from suggestion details to the bibliographic record in the OPAC
9. [23594] Add ability to batch modify itemtypes from the suggestions page
10. Show counts of suggestion for this library and system-wide
[25033] Counts of suggestions are confusing
11. [24819] Add ability for librarians to choose a patron when entering a purchase suggestion
12. [22774] Add ability to limit the number of purchase suggestions a patron may submit in a specified time period - Details on Help Centre
New system preferences: MaxTotalSuggestions defaults to empty (unrestricted) and NumberOfSuggestionDays defaults to empty (disabled).
13. [22784] Add the ability to archive purchase suggestions - Details on Help Centre
14. [23590] Add the ability to change the manager of a suggestion and notify the new manager
15. [23596] Add ability to modify the suggestions ‘reason’ field when receiving the item
16. [23420] Add “SuggestionsUnwantedFields” to hide fields from the suggestions form - Details on Help Centre
New system preference: OPACSuggestionUnwantedFields
Removed system preference: AllowPurchaseSuggestionBranchChoice
17. [21882] Add price column to acquisition details tab in staff interface
18. [24347] Add a ‘search to order’ function
19. [24276] Add functionality to apply defaults from the ACQ framework for mandatory fields when adding records from external sources
20. [26014] Add publication year and edition to Z39.50 results in acquisition
21. [26089] Add acquisitions-related reports to acquisitions sidebar menu
22. [23929] Invoice adjustments should filter inactive funds
23. [24158] Add ability to receive items in multiple currencies
1. Suggestions table now included in Table Settings under Acquisitions heading
[16784] Add table configuration for the suggestions table
2. [25958] Allow LongOverdue cron to exclude specified lost values
Uses the new system preference DefaultLongOverdueSkipLostStatuses
3. [15668] Add column configuration to the items table in staff detail pages
4. [20815] Add ability to choose if lost fee is refunded based on length of time item has been lost
5. [25709] Rename system preference from NotesBlacklist to NotesToHide
6. [17702] Create configuration for account credit types
1. [8643] Add ability to mark some MARC tags and subfields as important and alert on saving the record if they are found to be empty - Details on Help Centre
2. [25231] Remove alert when replacing a bibliographic record via Z39.50
3. [5428] Back to results after deleting a record (previously you were brought to empty search form)
4. [15933] Add cataloguing plugin to search for existing publishers in other records
5. [24176] Show the date of the last circulation in the items table in the staff interface
6. [21921] Add publication year to the Z39.50 search form for bibliographic records
7. [3426] Add support for multiple tags to the itemcallnumber system preference
8. [23349] Add batch operations to staff interface catalog search results
With this enhancement there is a new “Edit” menu on the catalog search that allows to “Batch edit”, “Batch delete,” and “Merge” selected records from the result list.
1. [24846] Add a tool to enable bulk edit of due dates - Details on Help Centre
Access to the tool requires a new permission batch_extend_due_dates.
2. [21946] Group circulation by item type - Details on Help Centre and information for Circulation
This feature adds the ability to define some itemtypes as ‘parent’ to other item types for defining circulation limits. This allows to create ‘groups’ of related items types. E.g. – a library has both Blu-ray and DVD itemtypes – these can be grouped under the ‘Media’ itemtype. The checkout limit for Media will then apply to both Blu-ray and DVD.
So if a library says a patron can have 4 dvds – 4 blu-ray – and sets Media to have a limit of 4 then patrons can have up to 4 items of either type (e.g. 1 DVD, 3 blu-rays) but will be prevented from checking out more of either type by the limit on the parent. Parent rules only apply to checkout limits.
3. [25261] Multiple parts handling – confirmation alert - Details on Help Centre
New system preference: CircConfirmItemParts
4. [16748] Batch checkout needs set due date
5. [16112] Specify renewal date for batch renew
6. [24083] Koha should support “seen” vs “unseen” renewals - Details on Help Centre
7. [24159] Allow daysMode for calculating due and renewal dates to be set at the circulation rules level
This new enhancement is adding the ability to make hourly loan returned on a closed day, if checked out on the same close day.
8. [25717] Improve messages for automatic renewal errors
9. [24287] Add ability to record what triggered a given transfer
10. [24296] Move stock rotation transfer triggers from comments to reason
11. [24297] Record if a transfer was triggered ‘manually’
12. [24298] Record if a transfer was triggered by ‘return to homebranch’
13. [24299] Record if a transfer was triggered by ‘rotating collections’
14. [24436] Record if a transfer was triggered by a ‘hold’
15. [24585] Add ‘Managed on’ and ‘Suggested on’ columns to suggestions tab in patron account in staff
16. [25188] Make circulation notes more prominent on the patron details tab
17. [18355] Add ‘permanent location’ alongside ‘shelving location’ when located on cart (in quarantine)
18. [19351] Add copynumber in the checkouts table in staff interface
19. [21750] Move collection to its own column in checkins table
20. [25430] Improve the styling of the claims returned tab
21. [25699] Add edition information to Holds to pull report
22. [25798] Copyright year to Holds to pull report
23. [25799] Edition information to Holds queue report
24. [25232] Add ability to skip trapping items with a given notforloan value
This feature adds the system preference SkipHoldTrapOnNotForLoanValue. Adding a notforloan value to this system preference prevents items with that notforloan value from triggering holds at checkin, allowing for a temporary quarantine or any other circumstance in which an item should be temporarily delayed from circulation. This presents a more customizable alternative to the existing TrapHoldsOnOrder system preference.
25. [25907] When cancelling a waiting hold on Checkin, looks for new hold to fill without rescanning barcode
26. [25534] Add ability to specifying and store a reason when cancelling a hold - Details on Help Centre
The new ‘CANCELLATION_REASON’ authorized value is used to provide a configurable pick list of reasons. Optionally, the library may choose to define a ‘HOLD_CANCELLATION’ notice which will be sent whenever a cancellation reason is assigned.
27. [26281] Add cancellation reason to holds history
28. [26643] Staff should be notified that a transfer has been completed on checkin
29. [18170] Show damaged status on check-in
30. [8338] Add ability to remove fines with dropbox mode
This enhancement will remove any overdue fines that would be reversed on a backdated return if CalcFineOnBackdate is enabled and the user has not already attempted to pay off the accruing fine
31. [23091] Add options to charge new or restore forgiven overdues when a lost item is returned
This new feature allows libraries using the existing WhenLostForgiveFine functionality to reinstate forgiven overdue fines if a lost item is found and the lost item fee is refunded. Specifically, this adds two new options to the lost item fee refund on return policy dropdown in circulation rules. When a lost item is found and the fee refunded, a forgiven overdue fine can be restored in its original accountlines entry or re-created as a new accountlines entry.
32. [24603] Allow to cancel charges in patron accounting
This allows to cancel charges that have not been paid in full or partially yet. A cancelled charge will show up as cancelled in the account. Voiding a paid charge first will then allow to cancel it afterwards.
33. [26327] Include checkout library in fines
34. [12556] SelfCheck machine starts the hold instantly with an email sent out
This new system preference HoldsNeedProcessingSIP allows the libraries to prepare the items in peace for the next patron before a notification about a waiting hold is sent to the patron. Without this system preference in some cases the item might not have been ready for pick up by the time patron came to the library to checkout the item they had on hold. This feature works only with SIP2 return machines for the time being.
35. [25541] Add ability to prevent checkin via SIP of items with holds
Inter Library Loans:
1. [20799] Add a link from biblio detail view to ILL request detail view, if a biblio has an ILL request
2. [23112] Add circulation process to inter-library loans
This new feature, when enabled, adds the option for library staff to immediately issue a received inter-library loan item to the patron who requested it. The checkout is immediate and due date is set, either as a fixed date entered by the librarian or based upon the standard circulation rules. New system preference: CirculateILL
3. [22818] ILL should be able to send notices
4. [23391] Hide finished ILL requests
New system preference: ILLHiddenRequestStatuses
1. [14963] Add the ability to suggest purchase from existing titles
2. [14973] Add an alert during purchase suggestion submissions to warn the user when an existing biblio appears to satisfy the request
3. [24336] Ask for confirmation before deleting a suggestion in the OPAC
4. [16696] Rename “Publisher” to “Publication details” on detail and result lists
5. [26718] Change ‘Your reading history” to “Your checkout history”
6. [13388] Add library pages to the OPAC
7. [15775] Show message on OPAC summary if holds are blocked due to fines
8. [22880] Convert opacheader system preference to news block
9. [23794] Convert OpacMainUserBlock system preference to news block
10. [23795] Convert OpacCredits system preference to news block
11. [23796] Convert OpacCustomSearch system preference to news block
12. [23797] Convert OpacLoginInstructions system preference to news block
13. [25771] Allow the user to sort checkouts by the renew column in the OPAC
14. [14715] Results per page setting for catalog search in staff client and OPAC
Two new system preferences: OPACnumSearchResultsDropdown for the OPAC, and numSearchResultsDropdown for the staff interface.
The default number of search results is set using existing system preferences: OPACnumSearchResults for the OPAC, and numSearchResults for the staff interface.
15. [20936] Holds history for patrons in OPAC
1. Column name for Library renamed from Holding Branch to Holding Library
[25867] Label holdingbranch as Current library rather than Current location
2, [18355] Add ‘permanent location’ alongside ‘shelving location’ when located on cart
3. [18433] Allow to select results to export in item search
4. [20888] Allow use of boolean operator ‘not’ in item search
1. [17674] Allow UI to delete serials issues in batch
2. [24877] Add link from vendor to linked subscriptions
3. [26484] Add serials-related reports to serials sidebar menu
1. [4985] Copy a change on the calendar to all libraries
2. [18127] Add ability to add batch modified records to an existing list
3. [19793] Add email to batch patron modification - Details on Help Centre
4. [21190] Add logging of successful/unsuccessful login attempts - Details on Help Centre
New system preferences: AuthFailureLog and AuthSuccessLog
1.4 | 10/05/2021 | Adding links to Help Centre | Holly Cooper |