It is possible for staff to provide a reason for why a hold has been cancelled. When the hold is cancelled the patron who originally placed the hold will be notified by email and a note will appear on their account. This document will outline how to create a reason for why a hold has been cancelled and how to apply it to a cancelled hold.
Creating a reason for cancelling a hold
Step 1 - Locate the Hold_Cancellation authorised values
Go to Koha administration > Basic parameters > Authorized values.
This will open a page with a table of the different authorised values on your site.
Use the Search box at the top of the table to locate the HOLD_CANCELLATION authorised value.
This will narrow the authorised values table down to the specific value to be edited.
Step 2 - How to view and create a Hold_Cancellation authorised value
Click HOLD_CANCELLATION under the Category column.
This will take you into a new page with a table of existing HOLD_CANELLATION authorised values.
Click the + New authorized value for HOLD_CANCELLATION button.
This will open a form for adding a new authorised value for the HOLD_CANCELLATION.
The fields to be filled out are:
Authorised Value
This should be a code to represent the overall description of the authorised value. If any HOLD_CANCELLATION authorised values already exist, then any new values should follow the already established convention.
This is the label the authorised value will display with when being used.
Description (OPAC)
This is the label the authorised value will display on the OPAC.
Library Limitations
This option enables the HOLD_CANCELLATION status to only be available for libraries selected from the list.
Choose an icon
This option enables an image to be associated with a specific HOLD_CANCELLATION status.
Once this form is filled out his Save and the new authorised value will appear in the HOLD_CANCELLATION table.
Applying a reason as a hold is being cancelled
To view the holds on a record, click on the blue Holds tab on the left hand column.
This will take you into a new page with a table of already existing holds on the site.
To cancel a hold, identify the hold to be cancelled in the table and click the red X in the second to last column on the line the hold exists.
This will cause a message box to pop up, to confirm if you want cancel the hold.
There will be a line called Cancellation reason with a box to the right hand side.
Click the box and a dropdown menu will appear with the different options for cancellation reasons.
Select the reason to be applied to the cancelled hold and click the
Confirm cancellation button.
The hold will be removed from the table.
Message on the patron account
Go to the patron account.
Click on the blue Holds history tab on the left hand side.
This will bring you to a new page with the history of holds.
Cancelled holds will have content in the Cancellation date column and in cancellation reason will appear in the Status column.
Patrons will also be notified of the cancelled hold by an email notice.
Version History
| Date
| Detail
| Author
| 09/04/21
| Document created
| Holly Cooper
| 12/04/21
| Adding screenshots
| Holly Cooper
1.3 | 16/04/21 | Clarifying language | Holly Cooper |
Retention Policy
| X