Item types are used by the fine and circulation rules to determine how many items can be checked out and by which patrons. It is possible to link item types to each other by assigning a parent item type which allows libraries greater control over limiting how many items of a particular type can be checked out. This document will outline how to apply a parent item type to an item type.
Step 1 - Identify the item type to be set as a parent item type
Go Koha administration > Basic parameters > Item types to open the item types table.
First, locate the item type to be set as a parent item type. If an appropriate parent item type does not exist, create one. Details for this process can be found on our Help Centre.
In this example, the appropriate item type has been found using the Search box at the top of the item type table.
Note the name of the item type in the Description column on the table.
Step 2 - Select item type(s) to apply the parent item to.
In this example, the search box has been used to identify item types related to visual materials. The Visual Materials item type will be applied to the two other item types in this search.
Go to Edit in the Actions column on the item type the parent item type will be added to.
This will bring you into the details of the specific item type. At the top of the page there will be a line called Parent item type, with a box to the right hand side.
Click on the box to the right hand side and a dropdown menu of the other item types will appear.
Identify the item type to be set as a parent item type and click on it.
Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page and you will be brought back to the item type table with a message confirming the item was changed.
The item type will now have the code for the parent item type in the Parent code column.
Version History
| Date
| Detail
| Author
| 09/04/21
| Document created
| Holly Cooper
| 16/04/21
| Clarifying language
| Holly Cooper
Retention Policy
| X