Go to Koha administration > Basic parameters > Authorized values.
This will take you to a new page with a table of authorised values on your site. Select LOC from this table.
If this is not appearing on the first page of results use the Search box to find it.
This is a unique code to represent the shelving location and the format should be similar to the codes already defined in the table. For example, if the shelving locations already defined take the format of FIC, for Fiction, then the other values should generally be three figures for the start of the word.
This is the name of the value as it will appear for staff members.
This is the name of the value as it will appear on the OPAC.
This allows the shelving location to be restricted to one or more branches. If this is left on All libraries there will be no limitation on the location and will be available to be applied by all branches.
This allows an image to be associated with the shelving location and will appear on items where the location has been applied.
Hit Save.