Go to the context sensitive search box on the homepage and ensure the Check out tab has been selected. Complete a search for a patron that will return multiple accounts, i.e part of a name, cardnumber or email.
The patron phone number column is hidden by default, however the instructions below will outline how to alter this setting.
Go to KOHA administration > Additional parameters > Configure columns > Columns settings > Circulation. This will reveal a variety of tables that control columns related to different areas of the circulation process. The table to be edited for this feature is (id=table_borrowers).
The phone number option will be hidden with a tick in the corresponding cell of the Is hidden by default column.
To set the patron phone number to appear on the checkout search table, ensure there is no tick mark in the Is hidden by default column beside the phone cell.
Hit Save.
The patron phone number is now displayed in a column during a checkout search.
If there is no phone number on the patron account the column will still display but the cell will be blank.