Bug 23551 - Problem with renewal period when using the renewal tab in 18.11 and 19.05.03
We have been made aware of an issue with renewals being performed through the context sensitive search bar at the top of the home and circulation pages on the staff side. When an item is renewed in this area the due date is automatically set to the current date the renewal is taking place on regardless of how the fine and circulation rules are set.
This process and the result are demonstrated in the screenshots below:
There is a bug related to this issue on Bugzilla, details of which can be found here: https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=23551
This bug was initially reported on the 19.05 release but investigating revealed it was appearing in the 18.11 release as well. This is an active bug and as of 03/10/19 there has been significant engagement with it by the Koha community however, it is not possible to predict when a solution to the issue will be made available.
Until the issue is resolved the suggested work around is to renew items from within the patron account as this area is taking into account the fine and circulation rules.
This process is demonstrated in the screenshots below:
Version History |
Version | Date | Detail | Author |
1.0 | 03/10/19 | Create doc. | Holly Cooper |
2.0 | 15/05/20 | Migrate to Zoho | Holly Cooper |
Retention Policy |
Permanent |
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