Circulating Inter Library Loans

Circulating Inter Library Loans

Circulating Inter Library Loans

If you have Inter Library Loans enabled on your system you can now allow library staff to immediately issue a received inter-library loan item to the patron who requested it.  The checkout is immediate and the due date is set, either as a fixed date entered by the librarian or based upon the standard circulation rules.  

This feature is controlled by the new system preference "CirculateILL"  which defaults to disabled.  

To enable it, just go to Administration and search for the "CirculateILL" syspref.   

Set the "CirculateILL" syspref to "Enable" the circulation of ILL requested items, then Save.

When you want to process the inter library loans which have arrived into the library, go to ILL Requests to view all your requests.  Select the request for the title you have in hand or use the Filters on the left hand side to filter the results.

Next click on the button to ‘Manage Request’

Click the ""Check out"" button on the top of "Manage ILL request" page

In the "Issue requested item to..." screen, select the item type you want to use.  Observe that if you don’t select a due date at this time the system will calculate it using the Circulation and fines rules.  

Click "Submit" and the "Item checked out" screen displays, issued to the requesting patron with a due date corresponding to appropriate circ rules.  If you entered a Due date the system will use that.

Click "Return to request" and you will notice that the request's status is now "Checked out"

Click the "Bibliographic record ID" link and you will see that the bibliographic record now has one item attached to it which is checked out and  that the item barcode is ""ILL-"" + the ILL request ID

Check in the item, go back to "Manage ILL requests" and observe that the request's status is updated to "Returned to library"

If you want to process some of your inter library loans through the standard Checkout in Circulation, proceed as above but on the "Issue requested item to..." screen, choose a statistical patron and item type, then click "Submit"

Version History







Document Created

Daphne Hoolahan


Screenshots updated & FAQ published

Daphne Hoolahan

Retention Policy



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