Creating News Items

Creating News Items

It is possible to create messages for the staff interface, OPAC and/or circulation slips which will appear for a pre-defined period of time and then be removed automatically.

Step 1 - Navigate to the News tool

Go to the Koha homepage and click into Tools > Additional Tools > News


This will bring you to a new page where you will have the option of adding new information to the newsfeed on the staff or OPAC side. Any news that has already been created will appear in a table. 

Step 2 - Create a news entry

To create another News entry, click + New entry.

This will bring you to a new page where you can include specific details about the news to be displayed. 

Display location:


Selecting this will cause the news to appear on the staff, OPAC and circulation slips.

-Librarian Interface

This will cause the news to only appear on the homepage of the staff interface.


This will allow the news to appear on all circulation slips that may be printed during the specific period, e.g: Hold Slips

-OPAC (en)

This will allow the news to appear only on the patron side of Koha, please note that patrons do not need to login to view the news.


This allows the news creator to limit the news to a specific library branch, however, it is not currently possible to select a pre-defined library group for the news to appear on. If this is set to All libraries the News entry will appear without requiring a login. However, if a specific branch is set, the News entry will only appear on the OPAC or the staff side to patrons logged into the specified branch. 


This is the overall header the news will appear under.

Publication date:

This is the first date the news will appear in the selected area.

Expiration date:

This is the last date the news will appear in the selected area. After this date the news will be removed.

Appear in position:

If you have multiple news items appearing on the same interface during the same period, this feature can be used to determine  in which order they should appear. By placing the number 1 in the box, the news will appear first in a list, placing a 2 will cause it to appear second and so on. 


This is the freetext box where the news itself will be typed. 

The example below shows a News item about an Amnesty Day set to display on both the Staff and OPAC side. 

Once all this is filled out click Submit which will save the News. Once the News has been saved you will be brought back to the News table. 

In this example, there are only two pieces of news appearing on the staff side, whereas there are three on the OPAC. This is because the Welcome to KOHA News is specified as being for the OPAC, whereas the other two are marked as being for all possible areas.

Staff Side

Any news set to appear on the staff interface will be shown on the left hand side of the screen.

Any news set to appear on the OPAC will appear in the middle of the screen. 

Version History







Creating News to display on the OPAC

Holly Cooper



Adding detail to function

Holly Cooper



Adding detail to function

Holly Cooper



Adding detail to function

Holly Cooper

Migrated to Zoho
Holly Cooper
Adding TOC and clarifying language
Holly Cooper

Retention Policy


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