Validation Rules To prevent access or restrict users to specific PC areas you can use a number of different validation rules. These would normally be set at the time of PC Reservation installation, however if PC rules change or new areas are created ...
Disable @client Option to stop “walk-up” users If you want to switch from a system where users can simply sit at a free available PC and login using their Library Card and PIN and force users to prebook a PC you need to disable “@client” To do this ...
Recurring Reservations If the library is providing PC access for classes or groups to block book the required PC the library can add a Recurring Reservation. Click Action and select Recurring Reservation: Click New: Enter a library card number ...
PC Reservation Backup It is recommended that the local PC Reservation configuration and database files are backed up on a daily basis to an offsite location or removable storage in each branch, this will protect and limit the loss of your usage ...
Lunch Closing Reservations If the library closes for lunch there is no facility to set a closed lunch hour in the standard PC Reservation opening hours so to make the PC's unavailable for this time you need to set a recurring reservation, this ...