This document will outline the options for using item level holds on the OPAC. An item level hold means students can place a hold on a specific copy of an item, rather than needing to place a hold on the title and take whichever copy the library selects to fill their hold.
Fine and circulation rules
Go to Koha administration > Patrons and Circulation > Circulation and fines rules.
This will open a new page with a table of fine and circulation rules.
For more information on the fines and circulation table please contact
Interleaf Technology directly.
Scroll across to the right hand side to the column OPAC item level holds.
The options for this column are:
Don't Allow
This option will prevent item level holds from being placed by patrons on the OPAC. It may still be possible for staff members to place item level holds by over-riding the rules on the staff side. This option will mean it will only be possible for patrons to place bibliographic level holds on the OPAC. This will mean the hold will be filled by the first item on the record that is eligible to fill the hold, rather than the hold only being able to be filled by a specific item.
Don't Allow example on the OPAC
Patrons will only have the option of clicking
Confirm hold for a bibliographic hold.
This option will give a choice of item level or bibliographic level holds on the OPAC. The patron will be able to decide to place an item level hold on a specific item or a hold at the bibliographic level.
If an item level hold is placed, that will mean only the individual item the hold is placed on will be eligible to fulfill the hold. This will allow patrons to specify a particular edition or publication of a title, but it can result in the hold being unfulfilled for some time while simultaneously other copies are available.
This option may be impacted by how the other rules around holds are set, such as the rules for on shelf holds.
For more information on the other rules that impact on holds, please contact
Interleaf Technology directly.
Allow example on the OPAC
Patrons will have two radio buttons to determine if the hold should be at the bibliographic level with the Next available item or at the item level with A specific item. If A specific item is selected, a table of the items on the record will appear and patrons will be able to select which item to place the hold on.
Any items that aren't eligible for a hold will appear with a X, to prevent a hold being placed.
This will mean students can place only item level holds and there will be no option to place a bibliographic level holds. Patrons will be required to specify an individual copy on which to place a hold and only that copy will be eligible to fulfil the hold. This will allow patrons to specify a particular edition or publication of a title, but it can result in the hold being unfulfilled for some time while simultaneously other copies are available.
Force example on the OPAC