On the OPAC homepage there is a link to information on the different branches within a library. This document will demonstrate this feature and how branches may be hidden from this area.
How the branches appear by default on the OPAC
On the OPAC homepage, across the header there will be a link called Libraries.
Clicking this link will open a page where the name and contact information for the different branches on the system will display.
Where is the information that appears on this page defined?
On the staff side, go to Koha administration > Basic parameters > Libraries.
This will open a new page with a table of existing library branches on the site.
This table contains different information for the various tables on the site. Select pieces of this information will display under the Libraries link on the OPAC.
How to hide a branch from the Libraries area on the OPAC
Under Koha administration > Basic parameters > Libraries, go to the line on the table which contains information for the branch to be hidden. Under the Actions column, click the Edit button.
This will open a new page with details of the selected branch.
The final option on the page will be for Public. This will be set to Yes by default.
Click the box to the right hand side of this line to create a dropdown menu of options. On the dropdown menu, click No.
Click Submit at the bottom of the page.
The branch will no longer appear under the Libraries link on the OPAC.
Version History
| Date
| Detail
| Author
| 23/12/21
| Doc. created
| Holly Cooper
| | | |
Retention Policy
| X