How to include ALL as an option for a report dropdown

How to include ALL as an option for a report dropdown

It is possible to include an ALL option in a report dropdown so that staff have the choice of either running the report separately for each individual entry in the authorised value or running the report for every single entry in the authorised value at once. 

Report example:

Here is an example of a report which uses a dropdown menu. 

This report will show a dropdown menu of all the different patron categories on the site. The staff member running the report will need to select which individual patron category to run the report for, meaning that only entries matching the one selected patron category will be returned.

The image below highlights the section of the report which will cause the patron categories dropdown to display when running a report. 

The significant clauses in this sentence are:


This indicates to the report that there are going to be limitations defined for when the information requested earlier in the report should be returned.


This is the field name of the entry in the database which holds patron category information. This indicates that the limitations indicated by the WHERE statement are linked to patron categories


The equals sign indicates that the limitations should only be applied when the information matches exactly the folllwing.

<< >>

These opening and closing brackets contain details of how the dropdown menu generated from categorycode definition should appear

Patron category

This is the label for the dropdown menu. This can be whatever name would make sense to the staff member running the report. 


This is where the dropdown menu draws the options to display from. The straight line or pipe, separates the label. 

This is how the dropdown menu will appear when the report is run:

Each entry in the patron category table appears as an individual option and it is only possible to run the report for one option at a time.

How to include the ALL option in the report dropdown

This is the same report example, but the SQL has been edited to cause the ALL option to appear.

Below is a comparison between the original report and the edited report:

Before the edit:

This entry uses an equal sign to cause the report to show only exactly the entries that are included in the identified authorised value.

After the edit:

This entry uses the LIKE statement instead of the equals to cause the report to use a selection of the identified authorised value. In this case, that means the authorised value entries and the ALL option. It also includes the parameter :all, which tells the report there are two options to include: 1) every option in the authorised value as an itemised list and 2) the ALL option to gather every entry on the list into one group to be reported on at once.

The ALL option will appear as an additional option on the dropdown. It will still be possible to run the report for a single entry in it, as well as all entries grouped together. 

This is the dropdown menu after the ALL option has been included:


To include the ALL option in a dropdown menu on a report, use the LIKE statement instead of an equals when defining the runtime parameters and include :all at the end of the runtime parameter within the triangular brackets.

1.022/12/22Document createdHolly Cooper
1.216/01/22Adding detailsHolly Cooper

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