How to re-arrange the order of subfields

How to re-arrange the order of subfields

This document will outline how to move the order of subfield codes in a framework. By default, these subfields appear in ascending numeric and alphabetic order but can be manually rearranged  to appear in a particular pattern.
If you require more assistance with editing frameworks, please contact Interleaf Technology with a Changes to Framework form filled out. 

Please note that the Default framework should never be edited. 

Step 1 - Navigate to the MARC framework to be edited

Go to Koha administration > Catalog > MARC bibliographic framework

This will take you to a page with a table of the frameworks available on your site. 

The framework with Default framework in the Description column and a blank field in the Code column is the Default framework. This Default framework should never be edited. 

Step 2 - Edit the framework

Identify the framework from the table to be edited and click the Actions button to the right hand side of the line the framework is on. This will create a dropdown menu. Select MARC structure from this dropdown menu. 

This will bring up a page with a table of the fields in the framework. 

Across the top of the table there will be a search box, which can be used to limit the table to a specific field.

This example will use 245 field, but the principles can be applied to whichever field you wish to edit. As the number being searched for is typed into the search box, the table of fields will narrow down to matching entries.

Once the table has been reduced to the specific field to be edited, click the Actions button to the right hand side of the line the tag is on.

This will create a dropdown menu. Select Edit subfields from this menu.

This will open a new page where the subfields that make up the tag appear. The subfields will be split into different tabs, based on the alphabetic and numeric representation. 

Step 3 - Moving the subfields

The subfields will appear on the workform in the same order that they appear on this table.

To move a subfield to a different position, click on the subfield to be moved and while still holding the click on the subfield move it to the left or right of the line. The subfield will detach from the line and it will be possible to place the square between the subfields it should appear before and after.

1.016/02/22Doc. CreatedHolly Cooper
1.222/02/22Adding detailsHolly Cooper
1.328/02/22Adding detailsHolly Cooper
1.401/03/22Finishing detailsHolly Cooper

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