Running the overdue report with filters

Running the overdue report with filters

This document will outline how to enable filters for the Overdues report under the Circulation module. By default, the Overdues report will run automatically when the Overdues button is clicked. This can be an issue on sites with a lot of overdues, as the report can be resource intensive. To avoid this, it is possible to enable a filtering option before the report runs.

How the report runs by default

To run the report go to Circulation > Overdues > Overdues.

This will cause the report to automatically run and show all items that are overdue on the site.

On the left hand side of the screen, there will be filtering options, which can be applied to the report after it has been run by default. This document is intended to outline how these filtering options can be made available automatically, so the report cannot run by default and instead the option to apply limitations to the report will be available from the outset.

Set the system preference to enable the report filter

Go to Koha administration > Global System Preferences and search for FilterBeforeOverdueReport.

This will bring up a system preference of the same name.

Set this system preference to Require staff to choose which checkouts to show before running the overdues report and click Save all Circulation preferences.

How the report runs after setting the system preference

To run the report go to Circulation > Overdues > Overdues.

Now, instead of automatically running the overdues report, this will open a new page where parameters to limit the report can be defined.

Options to filter

Some of the filter options do not appear as columns on the report table, but this can be altered either using the Columns function above the table, where it is possible to select hidden fields to appear.

Or by setting the standard rules for which columns should appear on this table under Koha administration > Additional paramters > Table settings > Circulation > Overdue.
For more information on column settings, please check our Help Centre.

Show any items currently checked out:

Ticking this box will change the function of the report from an overdues report to a report which shows all items that are currently checked out on the site, even if they are not overdue. This function can be used along with the other filters in the box to limit the range of checkouts that are returned.

Before Show any items currently check out is ticked:

After Show any items currently check out is ticked:

Date due: From:/ To:

This option allows a date range to be set for the time period the checked out items are due for.

Name or cardnumber:

This field allows the report to search for overdues associated with a specific patron with using either their name or cardnumber.

The cardnumber for the patron can be found in the cardnumber field on the patron account.

The other option is to search the patron name, however, only the firstname or surname as recorded in the respective fields on the patron account can be searched and only one at a time.

For example, if Nina Jean Jones is searched then the associated patron will come up.

Or if the second name Hester is searched then the associated patron will come up.

However, if the full name is searched all at once, no results will be found. This is also the case if only part of the first or surname are searched.

Patron category:

This allows the report to be limited to a specific group of patrons. This means only overdues checked out to patrons in the defined category will be returned by the report.

For more information on patron categories, please check our Help Centre.

Patron flags:

This options allows only overdues associated with patrons with specific flags on their accounts to be searched for.

For more information on patron flags, please contact Interleaf Technology directly.

Item type:

This allows the report to be limited to a certain item type. This means the report will only show items with the specified item type.

For more information on item types, please check our Help Centre.

Item home library:

This allows the report to be limited to a specific home library for an item. This means the report will only show items with a specific home library.

Item holding library:

This allows the report to be limited to a specific holding library for an item. This means the report will only show items with a specific holding library.

Library of the patron:

This allows the report to be limited to a specific library for the patron who has the item checked out. This means the report will only show items checked out to patrons in the specified library.

In addition to the standard filter option, if extended patron attributes are enabled on your site then some of these may appear as options to filter the report with. This options will appear if the patron attribute has the Searchable option ticked.
For more information on patron attributes, please check our Help Centre.

Version History 






Doc. created
Holly Cooper
1.231/03/22Adding detailsHolly Cooper

Retention Policy



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