What is the cart on the OPAC and how can it be used?

What is the cart on the OPAC and how can it be used?

This document will outline the functionality of the cart on the OPAC. This feature allows patrons to create temporary list of titles from the catalogue, which can then be emailed or exported for later reference. This list will be saved in the cart until the browser is closed. Once a browser is closed, the titles will be removed from the cart. Patrons will be able to use the cart with or without logging in, but not all features will be available if the patron is not logged in.

There is also a cart option on the staff side, the functionality of which is comparable to the functionality on the OPAC. If you have any questions about the cart on the staff side, please contact Interleaf Technology

Where is cart function on the OPAC?

The cart will appear across the top left hand corner of most screens on the OPAC.

What if the cart function doesn't appear or we want to remove it?

The system preference which controls the appearance of the cart on the OPAC is usually enabled by default, however, if the cart option is not appearing the following steps will outline how to set it up.

Go to Koha administration > Global System Preferences and search for opacbookbag.

A system preference of the same name will come up.

If this system preference is set to Allow patrons to store items in a temporary "Cart" on the OPAC, then the cart should be appearing on the OPAC site. If the system preference is enabled but the cart option does not appear, please contact Interleaf Technology directly. 

To remove the cart as an option from the OPAC, set the system preference to Don't Allow patrons to store items in a temporary "Cart" on the OPAC and click Save all OPAC preferences.

How to add titles to the cart?

Titles can be added to the cart in bulk or individually. 

To add multiple titles at once

Complete a catalogue search on the OPAC. 

On the initial search results page, down the left hand side of the results there will be the option to tick titles to be added to the cart.

Once the desired titles have been ticked, look along the grey line at the top of the search results.

Click the box labelled With selected titles: and a drop down menu will appear.

Click Cart on the dropdown menu and the ticked titles will be added to the cart.

Once the titles are added to the cart, the cart will display the number of titles in the cart.

To add a single title

Identify the title to be added and click Add to cart on the entry.

Alternatively, click on the title to be added to the cart. This will open details of the title, including item information. 

 Click Add to your cart in the blue box on the right hand side of the page.

Functions in the cart

Clicking the Cart option in the left hand corner of the screen will open a popup box with details of the titles that have been added to the list. 

There are two lines of options for how the titles in the cart can be used. The options on the first line can be used if the patron is logged in or not.

More details:

Clicking this will open up a detailed outline of the title(s) in the cart.


This function allows patrons to email the list of titles in the cart to an address of their choice.

Clicking this option will open a new pop up box, where patrons can define the email to send the list to and add a comment or note to be sent with it if they so wish.


This option allows patrons to download a MARC version or basic information about the title(s) in the cart to the device they are accessing the site on.

Empty and close

Clicking this option will remove all titles from the cart and close off the popup box.

Hide window

This will close down the popup box, but will not remove anything from the cart.


This allows the patron to print out the list of titles in the cart, if a printer is set up for the device they are using.

The second line of options can generally only be used if the patron is logged in. To use these options, click the box to the left had side of one or more titles on the list.


This option will delete selected titles from the list. Unticked titles will not be impacted and will remain on the list.

Add to list

This allows patrons to add titles from the temporary list in the cart to a permanent list on the site. Clicking this option will open a new popup box, where patrons can select the list to add the title to or create a brand new list to save the title to.

 For more information on permanent lists, please contact Interleaf Technology.

Place Hold

This allows patrons to place a hold on a title in the cart, based on the hold rules defined on the site.

Clicking this option will close the popup box and the patron will be taken to the page on the OPAC that allow holds to be placed. 


This will allow a patron to add a tag to title(s) in the list. Clicking this option will open a blank box where the patron can type the tag to be added.

Click Add.

Depending on the settings on the particular site, these tags might need to be confirmed by staff members before they appear on the OPAC. For more details about tags, please contact Interleaf Technology directly.

Version History 






Doc. created
Holly Cooper

Retention Policy



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