Go to Tools > Patrons and circulation > Batch patron modification.
This will take you to a new page with options for adding the cardnumbers of the patrons to be edited.
Patrons to be edited can be identified in three ways:
1. By loading an external file of cardnumbers to the tool
2. By selecting an already created list from the Patron list dropdown menu
3. By scanning/typing a list of cardnumbers to the box beside Card number list.
This example will use the first method, loading a file of cardnumbers that were previously downloaded from the reports module Koha. For more details on how to determine the best way to add cardnumbers to the
Batch patron modification tool please contact
Interleaf Technology.
To load the file of cardnumbers, click Choose File and a pop up box will appear, with information about files available locally on your computer.
Select the .csv file of patron cardnumbers.
Once the file is added, click Continue.
Once the file has been loaded a new page will appear.
If the loaded file contains a cardnumber column heading the tool will identify it as not being a cardnumber and yellow warning box will appear. This warning is a failsafe should a cardnumber be incorrectly input and will not impact on running the tool. Ensure that no actual cardnumbers have been flagged and continue with the modification.
At the top of the page there will be a table of the patron accounts that will be impacted by the batch modification.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and there will be an Edit patrons form, where different fields of patron information can be used to edit the accounts in the above patron table.
The fields in the Edit patrons form will be either free text or dropdown however the Patron attribute field at the bottom of the form behaves slightly differently to the others.
The Patron attribute field will consist of a dropdown menu of all the existing patron attributes on your site. These will vary from site to site, but the screenshot below provides an idea of how the dropdown will look.
Once an attribute has been selected from this initial menu, a new box will appear to the right hand side with options for that specific attribute. This example is using the extended patron attribute of Roll Class.
In this specific example the Patron attribute Roll Class has two specific options, 1A and 1B.
Multiple additional attributes can edited at the same time. Click the +New option to the right hand side of the Patron attribute line and another Patron attribute line will appear beneath the original one.
In the new line, select a specific Patron attribute and then a specific option for that patron attribute in the same way as explained for the original patron attribute.
When the Patron attribute has been set click Save and this will take you to a new page with a table of the patron accounts that have been edited.