Errors Loading Bibliographic Records on EDS
If you find that some of your bibliographic records are not appearing on your EDS search, the chances are that they have been rejected during the loading process on EDS. There is a file of ‘bad records’ created but you may not be aware of it.
The problem is with the record length in the leader on the ‘bad records’. These records were most likely imported from another source and whilst Koha is forgiving if the record length is not quite right, the EDS loader rejects the records. The solution is to export the records from Koha, process them through MarcEdit and import them back into Koha again, matching on the biblionumber in tag 999$c.
The file of 'bad records' which you received from EDS contains details of all the records which have not been loaded for you but it's not in MARC format, or any other format for that matter. Interleaf have communicated with EBSCO about this but their response was that they had no plans to improve it.
The process is as follows:
1. Identify the suspect biblios on Koha and make a note of the biblionumber(s). If you already know the biblionumber(s) you can just insert them into a txt file and skip to step 3.
2. Search the file of 'bad records' for 'a978' and then copy and paste each ISBN to search in Koha and find the biblionumber that way, then add it to your list for the export of MARC records.
3. Export the biblios from Koha, go to Tools, Export Data and enter a range of biblionumbers or Choose a file if you have created a txt file.
4. Tick the option Don’t export items.
5. Click the button to Export bibliographic records.
6. Once you export your file of bibliographic records from Koha you will be processing them through MarcEdit. You will only be using 2 of the features in MarcEdit. The first is under Tools, MarcBreaker and the second is under File, Compile file to MARC.
7. In MarcEdit, open the file of exported records (they are in the format koha.mrc)
8. Then under Select Operation, highlight MarcBreaker, enter a new filename for the 'broken' records and select Execute.
9. Next you will be using that new file of 'broken' records as your input file for Compile file to MARC. Compile file to Marc will create another file of these records in MarcEdit, which you will then import into Koha to overlay the records already there. In MarcEdit go to File, Compile file to Marc, enter the filename for the new file to be created and clock Save.
10. Back on Koha, you will need to import these records into Koha. Go to Tools, Stage MARC records for import, select the file you have just created at step 9. and click the Upload File button.
11. Once the file has been uploaded you will immediately be presented with the options for the import. You can use most of the default settings, just change
Record matching rule : to 999$c (Match on 999$c)
Action if match is found: to Replace existing record with incoming record
Action if no match is found: to Ignore incoming record
How to process items: to Ignore items
Then click the button to Stage for Import.
12. The results are displayed
13. The final stage is to select the button to Manage staged records.
14. The last step is to click the button to Import this batch into the catalog.
When the next batch of bibliographic records are harvested and loaded into EDS your updated records will be included.