22.11 Enhancements and Changes
1. [16258] Add a preference to turn EDIFACT off
2. [27212] Add column configuration to the acquisitions home page
3. [28082] Add acquisitions toolbar to vendors on vendor search page
4. [30135] We should allow configuration of whether EDI LSQ segments map to ‘location’ or ‘collection’
5. [30438] Add select all/clear buttons to invoices.tt open and closed tables
6. [30510] Add a Patron reason column to the suggestion table in the staff interface
7. [29670] Restore functionality broken by bug 27708 for AcqCreateItem set to “placing an order”
8. [10086] No way to go back to the basket on uncertain prices page
9. [15348] Change/Edit estimated delivery date per order line
10. [25763] Allow update of order fund after receipt
11. [[27817] Enhance display of title information throughout acquisitions
12. [28269] Order search should be possible with ISSN too
13. [31017] Add type field for vendors
14. [31115] Additional fields for invoices
15. [31257] Add a new English 1 page layout to export a basket as PDF
16. [31333] Add the ability to limit purchase suggestions by patron category
17. [31374] Add a non-public note column to the suggestions table
18. [31377] Add basket’s internal note to tables on vendor search result list
1. [28786] Two-factor authentication for staff client – TOTP
2. [29924] Introduce password expiration to patron categories
3. [13952] Import and export of authority types
4. [30136] Add back to top button when scrolling
5. [29925] Add a ‘set new password’ page for patron’s with expired passwords
6. [29926] Add ability for superlibrarians to edit password expiration dates
7. [28962] Unverified self registrations should be removed shortly
8. [7374] Add remote image option for authorized values
9. [29832] Make library column in desk list sortable
10. [27470] Improve link text for logging in
11. [30588] Add the option to require 2FA setup on first staff login
12. [25936] Notify users if their password has changed
13. [28787] Send a notice with the TOTP token
14. [27519] Normalize Show/Don’t show vs Display/Don’t display in system preferences
15. [30850] Add default mapping for biblio.author to 110$a (MARC21)
16. [30937] Add a detail view for libraries
17. [31264] CalendarFirstDayOfWeek not taken into account when configuring curbside pickups
1. [13412] Allow configuration of auto-created authorities
2. [20615] Add the link of number of times the authority are used in edit mode
3. [29965] MARC preview for authority search results
4. [29990] Show authority heading use in search results
5. [20362] Direct link to authority records missing in staff detail view (1xx, 7xx)
6. [29626] Map biblioitems.place to 264$a by default (MARC21)
7. [29627] Map biblioitems.publishercode to 264$b by default (MARC21)
8. [29634] Map biblio.medium to 245$h by default (MARC21)
9. [25025] Drag-and-drop cover image upload
10. [24606] Allow storing item values as a template for creating new items
11. [24857] Add ability to group items for records
12. [23063] Item table in cataloguing doesn’t respect CurrencyFormat
13. [26368] Add support for OCLC Encoding level values
14. [27981] Add option to automatically set the 001 control number to the biblionumber
15. [30392] Add a deleted_on column to deleteditems
16. [30716] Add Collection column to cn_browser results table
17. [30775] 952w should have datepicker plugin enabled for it by default
18. [30871] Make it clear that 008 Type of Material is controlled by Leader 6th position in MARC21
19. [31250] Don’t remove advanced/basic cataloging editor cookie on logout
20. [31417] Re-instate the cataloguing sidebar menu
21. [30218] Add subfield g to 150 heading_fields
22. [30280] Support authority records with common subject headings from different thesaurus
23. [21705] Map copyrightdate to both 260/264c by default for new MARC21 installations
24. [25449] Make itemtype mandatory by default
1. [19532] Recalls for Koha
2. [6815] Capture member photo via webcam
3. [18392] Allow exporting circulation conditions as CSV or spreadsheet
4. [27946] Add a charge per article request to patron categories
5. [29519] Add option to resolve a return claim at checkin
6. [30226] Add system preference to disable auto-renew checkbox at checkout
7. [28138] Add system preference to make the payment type required
8. [29759] Refund credit when cancelling an article request
9. [27868] Adding the Expiration Date to the Holds Awaiting Pickup report
10. [29346] Real-time holds queue update
11. [29760] Show patron category in Holds queue
12. [30108] Allow making hold dates required
13. [29491] Improve display of notices in patron details
14. [30290] Article requests: Add TOC information to AR notices
15. [9097] Add option to trigger ‘Welcome mail’ manually
16. [15156] Get all Borrowers with pending/unpaid fines/accountlines
17. [29005] Add option to send WELCOME notice for new patrons added via patron imports
18. [29525] Privacy settings for patrons should also affect holds history
19. [29617] BorrowerUnwantedField should exclude the ability to hide categorycode
20. [30563] Add system preference to make the cash register field required when collecting a payment
21. [30611] Add ability to trigger a patron password reset from the staff client
22. [25815] SIP Checkout: add more information on why the patron is blocked
23. [26370] Add ability to disable demagnetizing items via SIP2 based on patron categories
24. [29936] Add ability to disable hold capture via SIP checkin
25. [24860] Add ability to place item group level holds
26. [28854] Add ability to create bundles of items for circulation
27. [30650] Add a curbside pickup module
28. [12446] Enable an adult to have a guarantor
29. [23681] Make patron restrictions user definable
30. [29983] Display the return claims column in the circulation overdues page (overdue.tt)
31. [7021] Add patron category to the statistics table
32. [20262] Add ability to refund lost item fees without creating credits
33. [21381] Add serial enumeration to circulation history
34. [23012] Possibility to mark processing fee by default refund when item is found
35. [23838] Add ability to view item renew history
36. [29129] The clear screen and print icons in circulation should be configuarable to print either ISSUESLIP or ISSUEQSLIP
37. [30407] Add ability to syspref UpdateNotForLoanStatusOnCheckin to show only the notforloan values description
38. [30802] numReturnedItemsToShow doesn’t show more than 20 items on the return screen
39. [30905] Show waiting recalls in patron account on checkouts tab
40. [30947] Simplify date handling in CanbookBeIssued
41. [30964] Add information about overdues and restrictions on the curbside pickup list
42. [30965] Add patron autocomplete search to curbside pickups
43. [31157] overdue_notices.pl –frombranch option should be available as a system preference
44. [31261] Curbside pickups – remove slots in the past
45. [31262] Curbside pickups – disable dates without slots
46. [31265] Curbside pickups – improve slots selection
47. [24865] Customize the accountlines description
48. [30335] Add ability to hide/disable manual invoices and manual credits in patron accounts
49. [30619] Add the option to email receipts as an alternative to printing
50. [31121] Format date range on top of cashup summary page
51. [31163] Sort cashup history so that newest entries are first
52. [31254] Add additional fields for accountlines
53. [31713] Allow easy printing of patron’s fines
54. [14364] Allow automatically canceled expired waiting holds to fill the next hold
55. [14783] Allow patrons to change pickup location for non-waiting holds
56. [30500] Add option to allow user to change the pickup location while a hold is in transit
57. [30878] Canceling holds from ‘Holds awaiting pickup’ should not reset the selected tab
58. [31105] Holds to pull counts items from other branches when independentbranches is active
59. [26689] Monetary accounts notices should be definable at the credit_type/debit_type level
60. [31626] Add letter ID to the message queue table
61. [31714] Add a more generic way to print patron slips
62. [7660] Enhanced messaging preferences are not set when creating a child patron from the adult
63. [10950] Add preferred pronoun field to patron record
64. [20439] SMS provider sorting
65. [21978] Add middle name field
66. [29971] Remember selections across patron search pages
67. [30646] Add option to send WELCOME notice for new patrons added at first login via LDAP/SAML
68. [31296] Add ability to disable demagnetizing items via SIP2 based on itemtypes
1. [32030] Electronic resource management (ERM)
Inter Library Loans:
1. [22321] Make it possible to edit illrequests.borrowernumber
2. [24239] Let the ILL module set ad hoc hard due dates
3. [28909] Allow Interlibrary loans illview method to use backend template
4. [30484] Interlibrary loans should have the ability to send notices based on request supplier updates
1. [26346] Add option to make a public list editable by library staff only
2. [28716] Hide toolbar and opaccredits when printing lists
3. [11889] Option to keep public or shared lists when deleting patron
4. [25498] Allow to change owner of public or shared list
5. [30933] Add a designated owner for shared and public lists at patron deletion
1. [13188] Make it possible to configure mandatory patron data differently between OPAC registration and modification
2. [14242] Use ISBN-field to fill out purchase suggestions using Google Books API
3. [15594] Sequence of MARC 260 subfields different on XSLT result list and detail page
4. [17018] Split AdvancedSearchTypes for staff and OPAC
5. [24220] Convert OpacMoreSearches system preference to news block
6. [24221] Convert OPACMySummaryNote system preference to news block
7. [29515] Don’t require title for HTML customizations
8. [29526] Add ‘Immediately delete holds history’ button to patron privacy tab in opac
9. [29713] Make item table when placing an item level hold sortable
10. [29899] Show public note to patrons when placing a hold
11. [30243] When OPACSuggestionMandatoryFields includes branchcode the dropdown should default to an empty value
12. [30288] Provide links to OPACUserJS and OPACUserCSS from News/HTML customizations
13. [7960] Choice to not show the text labels for item types
14. [8305] Add an icon for iOS home screens
15. [8948] MARC21 field 787 doesn’t display
16. [22456] Allow patrons to cancel their waiting holds
17. [23538] Email library when new patrons self register
18. [29144] Move branches.opac_info to AdditionalContents allowing multi language
19. [29897] Display author identifiers for researchers
20. [29922] Group of libraries are now displayed in alphabetical order
21. [30195] Suggestion form in OPAC should use ISBN to FindDuplicate
22. [30508] Do not display OPAC message about block from holds when OPACHoldRequests is disabled
23. [31294] Article requests: Mandatory subfields in OPAC don’t show they are required
24. [31634] Add part_number and part_name in OPAC result browser
25. [31635] Empty title for current result in OPAC results browser’s tooltip on paging
26. [31672] Remove ‘Your’ from tab descriptions in OPAC patron account
1. [5697] Automatic linking in guided reports
2. [29767] Add cash registers, debit and credit types to report runtime parameters
3. [29579] Show saved SQL report ID in database query
4. [27380] Add option for taking a list parameter in reports
1. [20689] Improve usability of Item search fields administration page
2. [22605] Adding the option to modify/edit searches on the staff interface
3. [27035] Shows the number of results in a facets after facet selection
4. [17748] Show due date in item search results
5. [20398] Add a system preference to disable search result highlighting in the staff interface
6. [21225] Add Syndetics cover images to staff client
7. [30081] Display item type in patron’s holds table
8. [28405] Add author info to the holds page in the staff interface
9. [28993] Switch magnifying glass in staff detail pages to FA icon
10. [29406] Improve display of OPAC suppression message
11. [17170] Add the ability to create ‘saved searches’ for use as filters when searching the catalog
12. [23919] Make ISSN searchable with and without hyphen
13. [27136] Add additional languages
14. [27546] Add option to search within results on the staff interface
15. [31213] When performing a basic search with no results, repeat the search with term quoted
1. [6734] Show location in full and brief subscription history in OPAC
2. [23352] Define serial’s collection in the subscription
3. [29815] Pre-populate ‘Date acquired’ field when adding/editing items
4. [26377] Clearly label parts of subscription-add.pl that relate to optional item records
5. [26549] Show value of global system preferences on subscription form
6. [29055] Focus on keyword field when subscription biblio search window opens
7. [30039] Add publication date column to serial claims table
Staff interface:
1. [15326] Add CMS feature
2. [30952] New design for staff interface
3. [27497] Display Koha version in staff interface home page
4. [27779] Cashup summary ‘refunds’ should denote what the refund was actioned against
5. [28864] The patron search results in the patron card creator doesn’t seem to use PatronsPerPage syspref
6. [29282] Show items.issue and items.renewals in the holdings table on the detail page in the staff interface
7. [30077] Add option for library dropdown in search function for staff interface
1. [29787] Add plugin version to plugin search results
2. [30410] Add a way for plugins to register background tasks
3. [14393] Add collection code filter to inventory
4. [20076] Overdues email to library for patrons without email should be optional
5. [22785] Manage matches when importing through stage MARC record import
6. [22827] Automatic item modifications by age: add age depencency on other field(s) than dateaccessioned
7. [29824] Allow for quick spine labels to be editable for printing
8. [29946] Sort profiles alphabetically when staging MARC records for import
9. [6936] Allow to limit on multiple itemtypes when exporting bibliographic records
10. [22659] Add ‘save and continue’ functionality to news and HTML customizations
11. [27920] Add ability to update patron expiration dates when importing patrons
12. [31062] Change description of QOTD tool in tools-home
New system preferences:
Renamed system preferences:
AutoEmailOpacUser renamed AutoEmailNewUser
RecordIssuer renamed RecordStaffUserOnCheckout
Deleted system preferences:
BiblioAddsAuthorities (replaced by AutoLinkBiblios and AllowManualAuthorityEditing)