How to set up a discharge notice

How to set up a discharge notice

This document outlines how to enable the functionality to send a Discharge notice to patrons, which confirms there are no outstanding issues on their account, such as checked out items or unpaid fines.

Step 1 - Enable the system preference

Go to Koha administration > Global System Preferences and search for useDischarge.

This will bring up a system preference of the same name. 

Set this system preference to Allow librarians to discharge borrowers and borrowers to request a discharge and click Save all Patrons permissions.

Viewing the content of the Discharge notice

Go to Tools > Patrons and circulation > Notices & Slips.

This will open a new page with a table of the existing notices on the site. 

Use the search bar at the top of the table to search for discharge.

This will narrow the table down to a single notice. 

To view or edit the content of this notice, click Edit under the Actions column.

This will open a new page where the different media types that can be used to view the notice.

Click Email

This will dropout into a free text box where you can view or edit the content of the notice. 

For more details about editing the notice, please check our Help Centre

How to trigger the Discharge notice. 

Go to the patron account and locate the blue Discharges tab on the left hand side.

This will open a new page on the patron account. If there are unresolved issues on the patron account, such as checkouts or fines, it will not be possible to send a Discharge notice.

If there are no outstanding issues on the account it will be possible to send out a discharge notice:

This will generate a PDF that will be automatically downloaded to the device the staff member is using, which will confirm the patron has no outstanding issues on their account.

This will also allow the patron on the OPAC to download the Discharge from their own account through the ask for a discharge tab on the left hand side of the patron summary page.

Clicking Get your discharge will cause the discharge notice to be downloaded to the device the student is using.

How patrons can request a Discharge notice

When a patron is logged in on the OPAC side, it will be possible to request a discharge through the ask for a discharge tab on the left hand side of the patron summary page.

This will open a new page where the patron can request a discharge.

Click the Ask for a discharge button. This will send a message to the staff side informing staff members of the request. A confirmation message will appear when this message has been sent.

On the staff side the discharge request will appear at the bottom of the homepage.

Clicking on this link will open a new page where all unaddressed discharge requests can be viewed.

Click Allow under the Allow column.

This will confirm the discharge can be downloaded by the patron from their OPAC account, as outlined above. A message will appear confirming the discharge has been addressed.

1.003/02/22Doc. CreatedHolly Cooper

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