Cover images for books are automatically added to the catalogue, usually from Amazon, Adlibris etc., depending on which source has been set in the system preferences. Only one of these sources can be selected for the image display to work correctly, however, it is possible to also allow cover images to be loaded by staff members. These local images can be loaded to records which do not display covers provided by the main source, for example when a record does not include an isbn.
This document will explain how to enable the local cover image function and how to load a local cover image to a record that has no cover image available.
Step 1 - Set the appropriate system preferences
Go to Koha administration > Global System Preferences and search for localcoverimage.
This will bring up two system preferences related to this feature, LocalCoverImages and OPACLocalCoverImages.
One or both of these preferences can be enabled, depending on if loaded images should appear only on the staff side (LocalCoverImages), only on the OPAC (OPACLocalCoverImages) or both.
To enable one or both of these system preferences set them to Display local cover images on...and then click Save all Enhanced Content preferences.
The example used in this document will have both system preferences set to Display.
Step 2 - Loading local cover images
Go to Tools > Catalog > Upload local cover image.
This will take you to a page where you'll be asked to select a file from your computer to load.
Once the file is loaded you'll be asked to confirm the file type, which should be Image file.
Once Image file has been selected, the bibliographic record to add the file to must be identified by the bibliographic number.
Once the bibliographic number has been added to the Enter cover biblionumber click Process images.
This will bring up a page confirming the image has been added, including a link to the record with the image on it.
The image should appear in the upper right hand corner, where cover images usually appear and under an Image tab on the item record.
Image on OPAC:
One thing to be aware of is, if you load a local cover image to a record that is already using a cover image both cover images will appear.