It is possible to set items on a patron account which have been set as Claimed Returned as resolved, indicating that for one reason or another, the Claimed Returned label is no longer accurate. When marking a claim as resolved, staff can select from a variety of pre-defined reasons for why the claim is now resolved. This document will outline how to create the different options to display when resolving a claim.
For details about how to resolve a claim on a patron account, please check our
Help Centre.
Reasons for why a claim is resolved
To view these, go to Koh administration > Basic parameters > Authorized values.
This will open a table of all authorised values on the site. At the top of this table there will be a search box that can be used to find a specific authorized value.
Searching for RETURN_CLAIM_RESOLUTION will narrow the table down to the RETURN_CLAIM_RESOLUTION category.
Click the word RETURN_CLAIM_RESOLUTION in the Category column and this will open a new page with a table of the RETURN_CLAIM_RESOLUTION authorised values.
To add a new value to this authorised values table, click +New authorized value for RETURN_CLAIM_RESOLUTION.
This will open a new page where details of the new resoluton for a claimed authorised value can be added.
Authorized value
This should be a code to represent the reason a claim is being resolved. It does not need to be the exact wording of the reson the claim is being resolved but it should match the coding convention of the resolution reasons that already exist on the table.
This should be the actual name of the resolution, which will appear in the dropdown menu when resolving a claim.
Description (OPAC)
This should match the main Description option.
Library limitations
This option allows the resolution only to appear for staff members logged in a the defined branches selected from the list.
Choose an icon
This option allows a specific icon to be associated with the resolution.
The new value will appear on the table.