There are two search options on the staff side of KOHA, Catalogue Search and Search the Catalogue. Performing a catalogue search will show records in your catalogue and records in the reservoir.
To complete a catalogue search go to Cataloguing > Cataloging search.
Using the Cataloguing Search will bring back records actively in the catalogue as well as records that have only been staged.
Historically, this has also been used when publishers send a list of materials that will be published in the coming year. Libraries could then add the MARC records via the Stage MARC records for import tool but not fully import them to the catalogue. Then, as the items became available from the publishers libraries could decide on a case by case basis what material to purchase and add from the list, adding the bibliographic records to their catalogue quickly and when convenient.
Usually, having information in the reservoir will not negatively impact your system, however, over a long period of time it could build to such a level that it might slow the system.
There may also be security or privacy concerns if unused MARC records are kept on the system. This would be based on site by site procedure for addressing unnecessary records.
This needs to be done in the crontab. You will need to contact Interleaf and ask to run cleanup_database to clear items from the reservoir. This can be done on a one time basis, or can be set to run at designated intervals.