As well as being able to type notes manually into the patron account it is also possible to define default templates to populate the note field.
Step 1 - Find the Bor_Notes Authorised Value
Go to KOHA administration > Basic parameters > Authorized Values
From the dropdown choose the authorized value BOR_NOTES.
If there are any predefined templates already created on your site they will appear in a table. If there are none the page will be blank.
Step 2 - Add a new authosied value for BOR_NOTES
Click the +New authorized value for BOR_NOTES.
This will take you to a new page with a form to fill out the specifics of template being created.
Authorized value:
This should be a short, unique code in keeping with coding conventions on your site. It cannot be changed after being defined.
This should be a descriptive explanation that will appear on the staff side. This can be changed after being saved.
Description (OPAC):
This should be a descriptive explanation that will appear on the OPAC side. It can be edited after the fact and it does not have to match the description for the staff side.
Libraries limitation:
This is an optional restriction that can be enabled so the template is only available to use for staff logged in at a specific branch.
Choose an icon:
It is possible to add an image to the reason, either one on the system by default or one loaded from the users own computer. It is best practice to be consistent in assigning icons and use all from the one collection.
Step 3 - Adding the predefined message to a patron account
Go to a patron account and hit the Add message button.
This will create a pop up box for adding a message.
There will be the option to add a Staff-Internal note which will only appear on the staff side or an OPAC note that will appear on the OPAC.
By selecting the title of the predefined note created earlier from the dropdown, the free text box will automatically be filled with the text of the defined note. Once the correct note has been selected, hit Save and the note will appear on the patron account.
Step 3-Appearance on the OPAC side
When a patron logs in on the OPAC side they will be taken to their account summary and the notice will appear at the top of their account, along with when it was written.