Physical items in a library may contain multiple parts or media, for example, a book which includes a C.D rom or a DVD boxset collection comprised of multiple discs. It is possible to set Koha to show a warning when an item containing multiple parts is being checked in or out, informing staff members that they need to check if all the media is present. After the warning appears staff members will need to confirm the checkout/checkin a second time before the circulation action is completed.Step 1- Navigate to the CircConfirmItemParts system preference
Go to Koha administration > Global System Preferences and search for CircConfirmItemParts.
This will bring up a system preference of the same name.
Ensure the system preference is set to Require staff to confirm that all parts of the item are present at checkin/checkout and click the Save all Circulation preferences button.
For the circulation process to recognise items with multiple parts information be saved in the 952$3 MARC field, which is the 3 - Materials specified (bound volume or other part) on the item record.
When creating or editing an item that has multiple physical components, type in details of the additional objects in the 3 - Materials specified (bound volume or other part).
Checking the item out
When an item with content in the 3 - Materials specified (bound volume or other part) field is checked out to a patron a yellow warning box will appear asking the staff member to confirm the additional materials ae present at checkout and if the item should be checked out.
Once the staff member clicks the Yes, checkout (Y) option, the item will checkout as normal.
Checking the item in
Checking the item in on the patron account will require the circulation item to be completed twice.
On the checkout table on the patron account, select the item to be checked in under the Check in column and click the Renew or check in selected items button at the bottom of the table.
This will cause the row the item is on to be highlighted in red and a message indicating the materials that should be with the item will appear.
Tick the box under the Check in column again and click Renew of check in selected items button again.
Once the staff member confirms the item should be checked in the item will be returned successfully.
Checking the item in with the search bar will bring up a message asking the staff member to confirm the additional material are present.
Once the item has been confirmed it will be checked in successfully.
Version History
| Date
| Detail
| Author
| 19/04/21
| Document Created
| Holly Cooper
Retention Policy
| X