Patrons can be added to Koha through the
Add patron form on the staff side. For details about how to use this function, please check our
Help Centre. There are two versions of this form, a long and short. This document outlines how to collapse section on the long version of the
Add patron form.
Note: This functionality allows fields to be collapsed on the
Add patron form, rather than fully hidden so they can't be accessed at all from the
Add patron form page. For instructions about how to fully remove fields from the
Add patron form, please check our
Help Centre. Also, this functionality will collapse the overall sections individual fields appear under, rather than collapsing the individual fields themselves.
Go to Koha administration > Global System preferences and search for CollapseFieldsPatronAddForm.
This will open a system preference of the same name.
This system preference contains a box which opens out into a dropdown menu, where the sections of the Add patron form can be selected. If no sections have been set to be collapsed, the box will contain the words Please select. If any sections have been set to be collapsed, the box will contain the name(s) of the section(s) to be collapsed.
Step 2 - How to set the system preference
Click the Please select box and a dropdown menu with the different options for fields to be hidden on the Add patron form will appear.
Tick the section to be hidden on the patron add form and click the Save all Patrons preferences.
The selected sections to be hidden will appear in the box on the system preference.
Go to Patrons > + New patron and select the patron category to add the patron into. This will open the Add patron form. There is a line at the top of the Add patron form, which includes a list of the collapsed fields.
The title of the collapsed section will still appear on the form, but there will be no individual fields to fill out.
Step 4 - How to un-collapse a section
To make the hidden field open out go to the top of the form and locate the Show collapsed fields line.
Tick the box to the left hand side of the line Show collapse fields.
Ticking this box will automatically cause all collapsed sections to open out in full again.
Version History
| Date
| Detail
| Author
| 21/05/21
| Document Created
| Holly Cooper
Retention Policy
| X