How to limit the number of purchase suggestions a patron can make in a set number of days

How to limit the number of purchase suggestions a patron can make in a set number of days

Purchase suggestions can be made by patrons on the OPAC to request the library get in specific materials. This document will outline how to limit the number of purchase suggestions a patron can make within a set amount of days. 

Step 1 - Navigate to system preferences

Go to Koha administration > Global System Preferences and search for MaxTotalSuggestions.

This will bring up a system preference of the same name, which is linked to a second system preference called NumberOfSuggestionDays.

These system preferences work together to limit the number of purchase suggestions a patron can make within a set amount of days.

Step 2 - Setting the system preferences

The first box in the system preference is for the total number of purchase suggestions the patron should be able to make.
The second box in the system preference is for the number of days the patron should be able to make purchase suggestions in.
Fill these boxes in and click Save all OPAC preferences.


When a patron has made the maximum number of purchase suggestions they are allowed based on the MaxTotalSuggestions and NumberOfSuggestionDays system preferences, they will no longer see the purchase suggestion option on their account. 

A message will appear on the patron account informing them of how many suggestions can be made in the set amount of days.

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Document created

Holly Cooper

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