How to make barcodes appear on the OPAC

How to make barcodes appear on the OPAC

Item barcodes do not display by default on the OPAC but it is possible to enable them with the following steps.

Step 1 - Find configure columns

Go to KOHA administration > Additional parameters > Configure Columns

This will take you to a new page with several collapsed menus. 

Click on OPAC and this will dropdown into a selection of columns that can be configured. 

Step 2 - Configure column

Go to the id=holdings table and find the items_barcode row in the is hidden by default column. 

Untick the item_barcode is hidden by default box and hit Save

When you leave the page, the box should be empty. 

Step 3 - Viewing Barcodes on the OPAC

After this box has been unticked there will be a new column added on the OPAC called Barcode, which will hold any barcode information recorded for the item. 

If there is no barcode for the item the column will remain but will be blank.

Version History






Document created
Holly Cooper
Migrated to Zoho
Holly Cooper
Adding TOC and clarifying language
Holly Cooper

Retention Policy


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