Step 2 - View and apply restrictions
Once on the patron account, scroll to the bottom of the screen to view the checkout table.
The checkout table will include a Restrictions tab, on the right hand side.
Click on the Restrictions tab to view any existing restrictions and to apply new ones.
To apply a new restriction click the + Add manual restriction. This will show a form that can be filled out to apply a restriction.
The Comment field is optional, but can be used to indicate why the restriction has been applied.
The Expiration date field is also optional, but it can be filled out if the restriction being created should be automatically lifted on a certain date. If this field is left blank, the restriction will only be lifted when a staff member manually removes it from the patron account.
Once these fields are filled in satisfactorily, click the Add restriction button.
Step 3 - How restrictions appear on the patron account
Once the restriction is added it will appear as a warning in red on the Details tab on the patron account.
Details of the restriction will also appear under the Restrictions tab on the checkout table.
Under the Check out tab, instead of a checkout box, staff members will see a warning about the restriction, as well as the option to view the restrictions and, if the associated patron permission has been applied (Override blocked renewals (override_renewals)) to the viewing staff member, an option to temporarily override the restriction.
For more information on patron permissions, please view our
Help Centre.
Step 4 - Removing a restriction
Restrictions with expiration dates set will automatically disappear from patron accounts and patrons will be able to check items out again on the expiration date. However, these restriction can also be manually removed.
To remove a restriction, click the Remove button in the Restrictions table under the Restrictions tab. This will cause a popup box to appear, asking to confirm the restriction should be removed.
Click OK and the restriction will be removed.
Once the restriction is removed, the warning will disappear from the patron account and the Restrictions tab will be empty.
If a restriction is applied without specifying a due date, the restriction will not be removed until it is manually removed by a staff member. A restriction without an expiration date will appear in the same places and in the same way as restrictions with expiration dates, with one difference. Under the Expiration column in the Restrictions tab, the restriction will be marked as Indefinite