Please note that this feature will potentially make changes to every catalogue record on your system.
If you have any questions about this feature, or the implications of using it, please contact Interleaf before doing anything.
Identify the KOHA field and the MARC field to be linked together.
Information on the different MARC fields can be found on the Library of Congress page:
For the KOHA field go to and identify the holdings table and the column that holds the necessary information on the database.
If you are uncertain of which field to use please contact Interleaf Technology.
Go to KOHA administration > Catalog > Koha to MARC mapping.
This will take you to a new page with a table of all the KOHA fields with MARC fields mapped to them on your system. The format of this page will depend on the configuration of the particular system however it should look something like this:
This is the field within KOHA that holds specific information on the database.
This is the overall MARC tag to be mapped to the KOHA field.
This is the subfield within the MARC tag to be added.
This is the defined description of the MARC subfield. This is generated automatically by KOHA when a MARC field is added.
These are functions to either add a new MARC field or to remove a MARC field.
In this example, the Remainder of Title subfield 245$b will be added to the KOHA field, biblio.title. The 245$a subfield, Title, is already mapped to this KOHA field.
Once you have identified both the MARC field to be added and the KOHA field for it to be added to, go to the row holding the KOHA field and click +Add on the far right hand side.
This will create a pop up box for inputting the tag and subfield to be mapped.
The field and subfield should be added in the format “XXX, X”. In this example the content is structured as “245,b”.
Press OK.
The subfield will automatically appear below any other subfields already defined for the KOHA field.
The description has been automatically added by KOHA.
Any new records added to the system will automatically have the 245$a and 245$b mapped to the biblio.title field. For any records that already exist on the system it will be necessary to run the Please contact Interleaf Technology to schedule this as it can be a power intensive script and the system will need some downtime to apply the changes.