How to perform a batch deletion of items

How to perform a batch deletion of items

Step 1 - Finding items to delete

In order to delete items from your system it is necessary to have the barcodes or item numbers of the items to be deleted. These can be accumulated in a number of ways; however, it is common to use the reports module to gather the information. The type of report created will depend upon what types of items are to be deleted e.g.: items overdue by a certain amount of time, items in a particular collection etc. Regardless of the overall function of the report it must return the barcodes associated with the items to be deleted. 

If you require assistance determining what kind of report would be the best to use for your purposes please contact Interleaf Technology and they will be able to advise you. If you are contacting Interleaf Technology for this purpose, please state that the intention of the report is to help with a batch deletion. 

If you use a report to retrieve a list of barcodes or item numbers for items to be deleted, download the results to your computer and, if necessary, delete any columns in the report not containing the necessary numbers. 

Step 2 - The batch item deletion tool

Go to Tools > Catalog > Batch item deletion. This will bring you to a new page to input barcodes of the items to be deleted.

There are two ways in which barcodes can be added for this procedure, a CSV file of barcodes can be uploaded from your computer or individual barcodes may be scanned, typed or copied and pasted into the empty box on the page. 

If you are using a file of barcodes there are two things to be aware of: 

  1. The file used must be a CSV file

  2. Barcodes must be saved in a single column with no spaced between the barcodes on the list.

If you are scanning the barcodes, they must be scanned one to a line, with no spaces between the lines, as shown below:

After inputting the barcodes you will be brought to a new page with a table containing information about the items you have added for deletion.

You have the option before clicking the delete the selected items button, to also delete any records that will be empty if the items associated with them are deleted in this batch.  It is possible to perform a batch delete of empty records separately, so it is up to the individual how they want to handle this option. 

Once you have decided if you are going to delete empty records along with the items and are satisfied that the correct items are going to be deleted click the delete the selected items button. This will take you to a new page which will confirm how many items have been deleted.

If any items have not been deleted it is likely they are checked out to patrons. In this case, check the items in and run the batch delete again.

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