It is possible to set up the system to record information about actions taken in different modules so they can be viewed later.
This document is intended to outline how to set up the system to log details about deleted reports.
This log will include information to allow users to retrieve the SQL used in the report if it needs to be recreated.
This will only work for reports that have been deleted AFTER the settings below have been altered.
Recording information about changes made to sql reports in the Reports module requires the system preference ReportsLog to be enabled. This will need to be set before the report is deleted.
To enable the ReportsLog, go to KOHA administration > Global System Preferences and search for ReportsLog.
This will take you to a system preference of the same name. Set this system preference to Log when reports are added deleted or changed and hit Save all Logging preferences.
How to view information about deleted reports
Once the ReportsLog has been set to log information it will be possible to use the Log Viewer tool to see information about any reports deleted from that point forward. To do this, go to Tools > Additional Tools > Log Viewer.
This will bring you to the Log Viewer tool, which facilitates searching for recorded information about any actions taken in the different modules of KOHA. This tool depends on a variety of system preferences to determine which actions to record information about, which is why the ReportsLog system preference needed to be set before any report was deleted in order for it to be searchable here.
Setting the Log Viewer to find information on deleted reports
The Log Viewer can be set to search for actions completed in the different areas of KOHA by using the menus in the different boxes of the tool. In order to set it to search for information about deleted reports the two menus to use are Modules and Actions.
In the Modules menu, scroll down the different options and click on Reports. In the Actions menu, click Delete. Once these have been selected, hit Submit.
It is possible to use some of the other menus and cells to report more specifically, for example, using the Display from and the Display to options allows setting a date range to search for when the action would have taken place. This can be useful in limiting the number of results if there are a lot of deleted reports on your system. Also, the Log Viewer works similarly to SQL reports, in that the more lines it needs to return the more resources it uses. This means if there are a large number of lines to report it may slow the system and using the different parameter options can help reduce the resources being used. If you want more information on how to use the other aspects of the tool to make the search more specific please contact Interleaf Technology directly.
Reading the log viewer results
After selecting the appropriate options from the different menus and hitting Submit the results will appear in a table below the Log Viewer.
The table will include the following cells:
The date and time the action was completed, in this case when the report was deleted.
The staff member who completed the action, in this case the staff member who deleted the report.
The area of KOHA the action occurred in, in this case Reports.
The operation that was completed, in this case a deletion.
The specific record or thing that the action was taken on. In this case this cell displays the id number of the report that was deleted.
This contains specifics about the action that was completed. In this case it shows the title of the report, in this case anon, and the sql that made up the report before it was deleted. This will allow you to extract the original SQL if you need to recreate the deleted report.
This shows whether the action happened on the staff side, the OPAC or the SIP machine. In this case it is the intranet, otherwise known as the staff side.