How to resend a notice

How to resend a notice

It is possible to resend a notice to a patron by locating the record of notices already on the patron account.

Step 1 - Locate the notice that has already been sent out

Go to the patron account and look in the Notices tab on the left hand side of the screen

This contains a table of all notices that have been sent to the patron. 

The columns in this table record a variety of information in relation to the notice itself and when and how it was sent to the user.


This contains the title of the sent notice. If the title is clicked it will drop down to show the content of the sent notice.


This records how the notice was sent out, most commonly by email. 


This records if the notice has been sent, is pending or has failed


This records when the notice was sent out, both date and time. 

Step 2 - Re-send the notice

Click on the title of the notice to view the full content of the notice and a Resend button will appear under the Status column.

Hit Resend. This will set the notice to pending

Once the notice has gone through the status will change from pending to sent.

How long a notice will be pending for depends on which cron it is controlled by. If you have any queries about why a notice is still pending, please contact Interleaf Technology to check if the cron is running and when it is scheduled to run.

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2.131/12/20Adding TOC and clarifying languagesHolly Cooper

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