How to use the “Set Due Date” function when checking out

How to use the “Set Due Date” function when checking out

It is possible to set a specific date for an item to be returned when checking out in Koha that will over-ride the due date set by the fines and circulation rules. 

Setting the due date just for the current checkout

When checking out an item to a patron it is possible to use extended checkout settings by clicking the Checkout settings dropdown arrow. This will cause a second section of the checkout box to open with the option of setting a specific return date for the item being checked out. 

To set the specific due date, click into the date box and a calendar will dropdown, from which you can choose the specific date and time for the item to be returned. 

If you set the due date and check out to the patron, the item will be given the specified return date. 

You then have the option of removing the specified due date and checking all further items out to the patron under usual circumstances. The due dates on these items will be determined by the fine and circulation rules. If you don't remove the specified due date it will be applied to other items checked out to that patron. 

Removing the specified due date

If you want to check out more items to the same patron without specifying a due date, hit Clear to the right of the Remember for session box and then check the item out. The due date will be whatever it should be with the fine and circulation rules. If you go to checkout to someone else, the checkout settings will be blank. 

Regardless of whether or not you delete the specified due date from that patron checkout, once you move to a new patron account, this due date will be removed.

Setting the specified due date for the rest of the logged in period

If you check out to the patron and set the due date while also ticking Remember for this session the due date will appear on any future checkouts you do during the current logged in session. 

This means any future checkouts that are completed on any patron account will use the specified due date, not the fine and circulation rules to determine the item return date until the Remember for session is removed.

How to remove the Remember for session login

There are two options to remove the specified due date, the first is to log out. 

Otherwise, go to a new patron account and go to the checkout screen. Hit the clear button to the right of the "Remember for session" box and then check the item out. 

The due date will be whatever it should be with the fine and circulation rules. If you go to checkout to someone else, the checkout settings will be blank.

Version History





1.029/01/18Doc. createdHolly Cooper
2.015/05/20Migrate to ZohoHolly Cooper

Retention Policy


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