Koha Search Shortcuts
Sometimes it can be useful to go directly to catalogue records if you know an unique identifier such as the record number, item number or the barcode.
There is a special syntax in Koha that allows you to do that:
Bibliographic record number sn: (eg sn:12345)
Barcode bc: (eg bc:18293-1001)
This will bring you straight to biblionumber 1234
You can also use this syntax for index searches (equivalent to command-line searching)
This is a list of the most common shortcuts
Personal-name | pn |
Corporate-name | cpn |
Conference-name | cfn |
Title | ti |
Title-series | se |
Title-uniform | ut |
ISBN | nb |
ISSN | ns |
Local number | sn |
Local-classification | lcn and callnum |
Subject | su, su-to, su-geo, su-ut |
Pubdate | yr,pubdate |
Date-of-Acquisition | acqdate |
Language | ln |
Place-of-publication | pl |
Abstract | ab |
Notes | nt |
Record-type | rtype, mc-rtype, mus |
Author | au, aut |
Subject-person-name | su-na |
Any (keyword) | kw |
Publisher | pb |
Content-type | ctype |
Koha-Auth-Number | an |
Author-personal-bibliography | aub |
Author-in-order | auo
Version History |
Version | Date | Detail | Author |
1.0 | 30/09/2022 | Created document | Daphne Hoolahan |
Retention Policy |
Permanent | X |