This document will outline the options for suppressing bibliographic records if all item records attached to them have been hidden.
For more general information on suppressing item records, please check our
Help Centre.
OpacHiddenItemsHidesRecord system preference
Go to Koha administration > Global System Preferences and search for OpacHiddenItemsHidesRecord
This will bring up a system preference of the same name.
This system preference can be set to either hide bibliographic records when all item records attached are hidden, or to display bibliographic records which have all the item records hidden.
If this system preference is set to Don't Hide the bibliographic record when all its items are hidden by OpacHiddenItems then the bibliographic record will appear on both the staff side and the staging.
For example, this bibliographic record on the staff side has the item records appearing but set to Withdrawn.
The same record on the OPAC has only the bibliographic record displaying.
If this system preference is set to Hide the bibliographic record when all its items are hidden by OpacHiddenItems, the record will appear with all information on the staff side, but will not appear at all on the OPAC.
Appearance on the OPAC: