Koha has two options for issuing items that are already checked out to a different patron account. These options are controlled by the AutoReturnCheckedOutItems system preference. This document will outline how to locate and edit the system preference and provide examples of checking out items under the different parameters.
Go to Koha administration > Global System Preferences and search for AutoReturnCheckedOutItems.
If the system preference is set to Do require librarians to manually confirm a checkout where the item is already checked out to another patron staff members will need to override a warning at check out if the item is already on another account in order to complete the issue.
If the system preference is set to Don’t require librarians to manually confirm a checkout where the item is already checked out to another patron the item will be issued without staff needing to override anything, but a notice will appear after the checkout informing that the item was on a different patron account and was checked in before being checked out to the new account.
Once you have decided on the appropriate setting for your site, click Save all Circulation preferences.
Below is a demonstration of checkouts completed for both settings.
The item checked out to Charles Quain has been scanned into the checkout box on another account which has triggered a yellow warning box.
The options in this warning are to allow the check out, disallow the checkout or to disallow the checkout but place a hold for the patron instead. To proceed, the staff member clicks the most appropriate option, the yellow box will disappear and the function will be completed.
The patron account in the image below has an item checked out, the barcode has been highlighted.
The item checked out to Charles Quain has been scanned into the checkout box on another account and been successfully checked out. After the completed checkout a note appears in the yellow box, informing the staff member of the patron the item was checked out to previously.
Version | Date | Detail | Author |
1.0 | 15/05/20 | Migrated to Zoho | Holly Cooper |
1.2 | 29/05/20 | Adding details | Holly Cooper |
1.3 | 22/03/22 | Adding details | Holly Cooper |