Overriding renewal rules

Overriding renewal rules

The rules for the renewal function are set at an overall level on the site, however, it is possible to give staff members permission to override these rules on individual patron accounts.

Step 1 - Enable the ability to override renewal limits

Go to Koha administration > Global System Preferences and search for AllowRenewalLimitOverride, this will bring you to the system preference of the same name.

Set the system preference to Allow staff to manually override renewal blocks and renew a checkout when it would go over the renewal limit or be premature with respect to the “No renewal before” setting in the circulation policy or has been scheduled for automatic renewal and hit Save all Circulation preferences.

After this system preference has been enabled, go to a patron account with items that can’t be renewed due to how the fines and circulation rules are set.

Step 2 - Override a renewal limit

Go to the Check out tab on the patron account and view their current checkouts.

In the example below, there is one item on the account that can’t be renewed as demonstrated in the highlighted area.

Beneath the checkout table there will be a line giving the Override renewal option with a check box. Click this check box and the renewal cell will change to allow renewals. 

Click the tickbox in the renewal cell to select the item to be renewed.

You will then need to select the new due date for the item. Go to the lower right hand side of the circulation table and click in the box below Renewal due date. This will create a calendar widget, where the new due date can be selected.

Click a date on the calendar to renew the item until and it will populate the Renewal due date box.

After defining the date to renew the item until, go to the bottom left hand side of the screen and click the Renew or check in selected items button.

The new due date will appear in the Renew cell.

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Overriding renewal rules

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