PC Reservation Backup
It is recommended that the local PC Reservation configuration and database files are backed up on a daily basis to an offsite location or removable storage in each branch, this will protect and limit the loss of your usage history and greatly improve the time in getting your PC Reservation service back up and running in the event of hardware failure of the management console PC.
Interleaf offer a managed and monitored backup service for this, please contact Pete Barr (pb@interleaf.ie) for pricing, however if this is something your local IT dept. are to look after the required file and folders are listed below.
The files and folders to be backed up are:
- C:\ProgramData\EnvisionWare\PC Reservation\Management Console
- C:\Program Files (x86)\EnvisionWare\PC Reservation\Management Service\config
- C:\Program Files (x86)\EnvisionWare\PC Reservation\Management Service\html\use_policy
- C:\Program Files (x86)\EnvisionWare\PC Reservation\Management Service\translations
- C:\Program Files (x86)\EnvisionWare\PC Reservation\Management Service\news_feed
- C:\Interleaf
These folders should be backed up, zipped and stored on removeable or cloud storage.
Version History
| Date
| Detail
| Author
| 14/06/2021
| Document Created
| Neil Garton
Retention Policy
| X