There is a plugin that allows checked out items to be recalled by patrons and staff members when a hold has been placed on them. Details of this plugin can be viewed
here. There are a variety of parameters that can be set for this plugin to determine when the recall feature will be available and how exactly it will function. The following questions are intended to give libraries a guide of possibilities to consider when they are setting up recalls via the plugin.
Questions for setup
1. Does your site use item level holds? If yes, skip to question 3.
2. Is it alright to allow item level holds on your site? If no, then the recalls plugin won't be suitable as item level holds are required for it to work.
3. Do you want to allow recalls on both the OPAC and the staff side?
4. Do you want items to be automatically recalled when a hold is placed on them or should recalls require manual intervention?
5. Do you want recalls to be an option for all branches, item types and patron categories? If no, please provide details of when recalls should be allowed.
6. How long after a recall is set should the current patron the item is checked out to have to return the item?
7. Should a patron be fined for not returning the recalled item within the specified time? If yes, should the fine be a one time charge or be charged daily until the recalled item is returned? How much should the fine be?
8. Should a patron be restricted for not returning the recalled item within the specified time?
9. How long should the patron who recalled the item have to pick it up?
10. Should an item need to be checked out for a certain number of days before the recall option is made available? If yes, how many days should an item be checked out for before the recall option is made available.
Version History
| Date
| Detail
| Author
| 19/02/21
| Document created
| Holly Cooper
| | | |
Retention Policy
| X