Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day

It is possible to set a variety of quotes to appear on the either the OPAC or staff homepage, or both, in a random pattern, so that every time a patron visits a quote will appear at the top of the page.

Step 1 - Enable the functionality

Go to KOHA adminstration > Global System Preferences and search for QuoteOfTheDay. This will bring you to a system preference of the same name.

This system preference contains a dropdown menu option which allows staff to determine where the quote will appear. The options for this system preference are:

[Select all]

This option will cause the quote to appear on both staff and the OPAC side.


This option will cause the quote to appear only on the OPAC side.

staff interface

This option will cause the quote to appear only on the staff side.

Set the system preference to display a quote on the desired sites and click Save all OPAC preferences.

Step 2 - Define the quotes

Go to Tools > Additional tools > Edit quotes for QOTD feature.

This will take you to a new page where you can create a new quote or view already existing quotes on your system.

There are two ways to add quotes, using the +Add quote button, which will add quotes one at a time or the Import quotes button which is effective for adding multiple quotes at once. 

Adding quotes using the +Add quote option

Click the +Add quote button and a new, blank line will be added to the quote table.

The ID field will contain NA, this will be automatically filled with the number of the quote once it is saved. 

In the Source field, type in who the quote is attributed to. 

In the Text field, type in the quote to appear. 

The Last displayed field will be set to 0 at all points, as the quote won’t be displayed until after it has been saved. 

Once all the fields have been filled in, hit Enter or Return, on your keyboard to save the quote. 

Quote display on the OPAC

Quote display on the staff side

Adding multiple quotes at the same time

Click the Import quotes button

This will take you to a new page where a file of multiple quotes can be uploaded. The file must be a CSV. file and should have two columns, the first containing the source and the second containing the quote. These columns should not have any headers.

Use the Choose file to locate the file on your computer and load it to KOHA. Once the file is loaded you will be able to preview the quotes before saving them. 

If there is anything you want to change about the quote after it has been loaded but before it is saved, click into the line it appears on and you will be able to edit the quote directly.

Once you are satisfied that the loaded quotes are correct hit Save quotes.

Version History







Holly Cooper



Adding images of function

Holly Cooper



Adding detail about the function

Holly Cooper

Migrated to Zoho
Holly Cooper
Adding details for 20.11
Holly Cooper

Retention Policy


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