Recurring Reservations
If the library is providing PC access for classes or groups to block book the required PC the library can add a Recurring Reservation.
Click Action and select Recurring Reservation
Click New:
Enter a library card number or name that all participants will enter to log into this session (this does not need to be a valid library card number on Sierra as there is no validation against the LMS for Recurring Reservation) and also a PIN:
Select if it is for a Specific Date (One time only event), or if it is to repeat Daily or Weekly. Also Enter the Time, select the required Area or tick Reserve all PC’s if Required, then set the length of the class:
I would recommend leaving Ignore Grace Period, Disable inactivity Timeout and Enable Internet Filtering ticked. Then click OK.
I would recommend setting the recurrence to weeks 1 for weekly, or Days 7 for daily.
You will then be asked if you wish to save the reservation, select yes and give the reservation a brief description such as the following and click OK:
This reservation will then be made a week in advance and no one else will be able to book the PC’s for this time. Click Done.