Restrict Holds to Borrower’s own Branch
If you want to prevent borrowers placing holds on items in other branches you set the restrictions in the Circulation and Fines Rules. First go to Administration, Circulation and Fines Rules and set the general rules for holds in the main matrix.
Scroll across to view the rules for holds:
Then scroll down to the Default checkout, hold and return policy.
Enter the default maximum number of holds allowed to a borrower, then select a Hold policy of ‘From home library’; a Hold pickup library match of ‘Item’s home library’ and a Return policy of ‘Item returns home’. Then Save.
Note, you can also set a default maximum number of checkouts allowed to a borrower here.
If you want to set more specific restrictions on holds based on the item type, then scroll further down to the
Default holds policy by Item Type.
Here you need to select an Item type from the dropdown and then select a Hold policy of ‘From home library’; a Hold pickup library match of ‘Item’s home library’ and a Return policy of ‘Item returns home’ and click Add for each item type that you wish to restrict.