RFID Suite Conversion Module Guide

RFID Suite Conversion Module Guide

RFID Suite Conversion Module

Launch the EnvisionWare RFID Suite from the desktop 

Or in a web browser enter http://localhost:10081/ in the address bar.

It is very important that only 1 RFID tag is put into an item, the RFID tags are generally placed on the back cover but this might not always be possible, if you are not certain that the item does not contain an RFID tag you should first run a "Tag Query" on the item.

To do this select "Tag Query"

Place the item on the RFID pad and click on "Query", if there is no tag in the item you should get this:

You can then set this item aside to be tagged.

If a tag is detected you will see something similar to this:
This item does not need tagging.

When you are ready to proceed with tagging items select Conversion Module and you will be brought to the screen below:

You can enter your own name as the username and click login.

You will then be in the conversion mode and ready to start programming tags:

The only filed that requires data to be entered is the "Primary Item ID" filed which is the item barcode, scan or manually enter the barcode of the item in this field:

The conversion module is now waiting for a tag to be placed on the RFID pad "Waiting for 1 tag", place a blank tag on the RFID pad:

The "traffic lights" on the top left will go to encoding "amber" to done "green" and you will see the last Item ID encoded on the top right, this should match the item barcode.

You can now place this RFID tag in the item.

The tag should be placed in landscape orientation on the bottom left hand corner of the inside back cover close as possible to the spine of the book ensuring that the opening movement of the book cannot damage the tag - as shown below.


Please note: these positions are for illustration purposes only, you will only place one RFID tag per item.

Tag is to be placed on inside back cover in position 1, 2 or 3. Position 1 is on the bottom left hand corner of the inside back cover. Position 2 is immediately above 1 and position 3 is immediately above 2.


It is not critical but the recommended sequence is 1,2,3,1,2,3, etc etc. By putting a tag in different positions reduces the chance of two contiguous books on a shelf having their tag in the same position.  The reason for this placement is to facilitate the reading of the tags in situ on the shelves by a handheld RFID reader – for stock inventory, etc.




Books with dust jackets: If a dust jacket of a book is sellotaped in position in such a way as a tag cannot be placed as per the above rules:

  • place the tag vertically, ensuring it does not cover any part of the dust jacket or
  • try to slip the tag under the dust jacket or
  • if either of the above is not possible, move backwards through the book and select a page with sufficient space for the landscape position.


For some books it is not possible to obey the above rules, for instance:

  • Placement of the tag as described would cover important notes about the author, about other titles, publisher notes, etc
  • For some books (eg: travel guides) there is a lot of important information at the back of the book, especially on the inside back cover.
  • etc


For all of these examples the general rule is to use common sense and find a place on the book where the tag can be placed close to the spine where it causes the least obstruction. The best advice is to work backwards from the back cover. In this way it will be easier for someone to find the tag if there is ever a doubt as to whether the book has been tagged or not.

Version History 






Document created
Neil Garton

1.116/05/23Document Updated - version 3.5.2Neil Garton

Retention Policy



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