Suppress Bibliographic Record

Suppress Bibliographic Record

Suppressing a Bibliographic Record

“Record suppression” is the process whereby the library can make bibliographic and/or item records invisible in the OPAC.

Records can be suppressed at either the bibliographic record level, or at the item record level. Each of these options has a different effect on the OPAC display. 

Bibliographic Record Suppression will “de-index” the record from the OPAC. It will not appear in any search results. As far as the OPAC user is concerned it does not exist.

Item Record Suppression removes individual item records from the search results display based on various item-specific criteria. A future FAQ will describe this process.

Part 1- Marking a Bibliographic Record as Suppressed in the Catalogue

To mark a record as suppressed while you are cataloguing, go to the cataloguing module and create the record as you usually would.

If you are editing a record that already exists find the record using the Search the catalog option in the search bar on the Home page of the staff side of KOHA. In the record, go to the Edit button and click Edit record in the drop down menu. 

This will take you directly to MARC framework for that bibliographic record. 

In the MARC record find 942$n and put a 1 in the subfield. 

Save the record.  

Back on the full record page on the staff side, there will now be a line noting the item is ‘Suppressed in OPAC’.

Part 2- Setting the system preference


To get to this system preference, search for OPACSuppression under the global system preferences. There will be multiple settings; however the only one that needs to be set is the OPACSuppression. This must be set to Hide items marked as suppressed from OPAC search.

This setting needs only be set once.

Part 3- On the OPAC vs. Staff side.

The record will be viewable from the staff side and marked as ‘suppressed in OPAC’.

If a patron specifically looks for a record that is blocked they will see the following screen:

(However this is unlikely as they would have to know the unique identifier for the record to find it.) 

Version History 







Document Created

Charles Quain



Transferred to Zoho

Daphne Hoolahan

Retention Policy



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