A tour of the Add Item form

A tour of the Add Item form

This document is intended to outline the different fields that can be set to appear on the Add item form.

Before looking at the functions of the different fields, there are a few points to keep in mind:
  1. It should be noted that just because a field can be set to appear on the form that does not mean it must or should be enabled on the form.
  1. Just because a field is filled out on the form, does not mean it will automatically appear on the finished item record. Similarly, just because a field does not appear on a finished item record, that does not mean the information has not been saved on the item record.
  1. The fields that will appear on add item form will depend on which framework the overall bibliographic record was created with. To check the framework your record uses, please check our Help Centre
  1. The framework can also determine if a field is mandatory, hidden, or important. 
  1. Fields will be either freetext or dropdown menu options. This function will be determined by if the field is linked to an authorised value.
If this document has been sent as a training tool, some fields discussed here may not have been included as part of training. This is because many fields on this document should be kept hidden as they are automatically updated by the system by various circulation/cataloguing activities. These automatic processes would not have been necessary to discuss as part of training. 

Any field that is displayed in the example but should be hidden when cataloguing will be tagged with the following disclaimer:
Best practice is to keep this field hidden.
Allowing fields with this disclaimer to appear on the add item form can be risky, as the fields updated by automatic processess can cause catastrophic problems in the database if they are manuaully updated.
The Add item form can be found when cataloging a record from scratch or through the Edit function on an already existing bibliographic record. 

The different fields in the add item form

The image below is of an Add item form with all possible fields enabled. Some of these fields will be hidden by default on the average Koha site and for best practice should remain so. They have been enabled in this case so the functions can be outlined, but the descriptions of the different fields will include advice if the fields should remain hidden for best practice.
Please note in the explanations where it is advised to keep certain fields hidden.

0 - Withdrawn status

This field should function as a dropdown menu, rather than a free text field. The content for the menu is drawn from the WITHDRAWN authorised value. For information on the standard fields that should appear within the authorised value please see the Holdings data fields page on the Koha wiki. Leaving this field blank will cause it to default to Not Withdrawn.
In addition to the default fields in the dropdown menu, custom fields can be included based on the needs of the library.
For more information on this feature, please check our Help Centre.
It is possible to use fields like this one to enhance the function of an item record, for example, causing items to be automatically hidden from the OPAC.
For more information on these options, please contact Interleaf Technology directly.

1 - Lost status

This field should function as a dropdown menu, rather than a free text field. The content for the menu is drawn from the LOST authorised value. For information on the standard fields that should appear within the authorised value please see the Holdings data fields page on the Koha wiki. Leaving this field blank will cause it to default to Not Lost. 

In addition to the default fields in the dropdown menu, custom fields can be included based on the needs of the library.
For more information on this feature, please check our Help Centre.
The content in this field can be automatically updated when items are overdue. 

It is possible to use fields like this one to enhance the function of the item record, for example, causing items to be automatically hidden from the OPAC.
For more information on these options, please contact Interleaf Technology directly.

2 - Source of classification or shelving scheme

This field is intended to store information about the classification scheme for the callnumber on the item, i.e Dewey Decimal vs. Library of Congress. This can be controlled by the system preference DefaultClassificationSource. 

To find this system preference go to Koha administration > Global system preferences and searching for DefaultClassificationSource

This will bring up a system preference of the same name. 

This field will contain the name of the classification source that has been selected by the system preference.

Example of 2 - Source of classification or shelving scheme filled in:

In addition to the default scheme that will appear, it is possible to select another option from a dropdown menu.

3 - Materials specified (bound volume or other part)

This field allows staff to record details of additional materials or objects that the physical copy might include, i.e CD roms, workforms etc.

Example of 3 - Materials specified (bound volume or other part) filled in:

It is possible to use this field to trigger a message at checkin or checkout, which will display to staff members, advising them to check if the additional material is present.
For more information on this feature, please visit our Help Centre.

4 - Damaged status

This field should function as a dropdown menu, rather than a free text field. The content for the menu is drawn from the DAMAGED authorised value. For information on the standard fields that should appear within the authorised value please see the Holdings data fields page on the Koha wiki. Leaving this field blank will cause it to default to Not Damaged.
In addition to the default fields in the dropdown menu, custom fields can be included based on the needs of the library.
For more information on this feature, please check our Help Centre.
It is possible to use fields like this one to enhance the function of the item record, for example, causing items to be automatically hidden from the OPAC.
For more information on these options, please contact Interleaf Technology directly.

5 - Use restrictions

This field should function as a dropdown menu, rather than a free text field. The content for the menu is drawn from the RESTRICTED authorised value. For information on the standard fields that should appear within the authorised value please see the Holdings data fields page on the Koha wiki. Leaving this field blank will cause it to default to Not Restricted.

In addition to the default fields in the dropdown menu, custom fields can be included based on the needs of the library.
For more information on this feature, please check our Help Centre.
It is possible to use fields like this one to enhance the function of the item record, for example, causing items to be automatically hidden from the OPAC.
For more information on these options, please contact Interleaf Technology directly.

7 - Not for loan

This field should function as a dropdown menu, rather than a free text field. The content for the menu is drawn from the NOT_LOAN authorised value. For information on the standard fields that should appear within the authorised value please see the Holdings data fields page on the Koha wiki. Leaving this field blank will cause it to default to Available.

In addition to the default fields in the dropdown menu, custom fields can be included based on the needs of the library.
For more information on this feature, please check our Help Centre.
It is possible to use fields like this one to enhance the function of the item record, for example, causing items to be automatically hidden from the OPAC.
For more information on these options, please contact Interleaf Technology directly.

8 - Collection code

This is drawn from the CCODE authorised value. While this field also uses authorised values, there are no standard options for this field, unlike WITHDRAWN, LOST, etc.. For a library to get content in this dropdown they will need to identify the collection codes for their own site. 

Collection codes are intended to flag items that are related to each other in some way. This may be due to them covering similar topics, being donated by the same person or being physically close to each other. Collection codes are similar to shelving locations, covered elsewhere in this document.
This image shows where the selected collection code will appear on the finished item record. The collection code will appear in a distinct column on the item record.

For more information on collection codes, please check our Help Centre.

9 - Koha itemnumber (autogenerated)

This field is normally hidden on the Add item form and setting it to display can be risky.
Best practice is to keep this field hidden.
The field should not be manually filled in or edited. It will autofill once the item record is saved off and should not be changed after being saved. 

The itemnumber is a unique internal number that Koha assigns to all newly created items. The itemnumber assigned internally cannot be changed on the database side and is usually only viewable through reports. The intention of the field is to ensure that all item records on Koha have a numerical code associated with them so the item can always be identified in the database. It is possible to forget to add a barcode, but as the itemnumber is an automatic process it is not possible to create an item record without an itemnumber.

This image shows the field populated after the item record was saved off.

Editing the existing item number can cause detrimental errors on the database, which could be irreversible.
For more information about itemnumbers, please check our Help Centre.

a - Permanent location

This is the home library of the item. On a standard Koha install, this field will automatically be filled with the branch the person cataloguing the item is logged into. 

It is possible to use the dropdown menu to change the default home library of item. 

For more information about which library a patron is logged in at, please check our Help Centre.

b - Current location

This is the holding library of the item which is the branch the item is currently checked into. On a standard Koha install, this field will automatically be filled with the library the person cataloguing the item is logged into. If an item is checked out to a patron, this field will automatically update to contain the patron's home library. 

It is possible to use the dropdown menu to change the holding library of item. 

For more details on holding libraries based on patron accounts, please check our Help Centre.

c - Shelving location

This is drawn from the LOC authorised value. While this field also uses authorised values, there are no standard options for this field, unlike WITHDRAWN, LOST, etc.. For a library to get content in this dropdown they will need to identify the shelving locations for their own site. 

Example of c - Shelving location filled in:

Shelving locations are similar to collection codes, as they are fields that contain flags to indicate when items are related to each other in some way. The main difference between the fields is that while collection codes can be used to identify different kinds of commonalities between items, the shelving location field is specifically intended to record information about items that are physically close to each other. 

The field does not have to record a shelf specifically, it may just be a common physical location in the library, i.e basement, behind the desk, the third floor. 

The shelving location will appear in the Home library field, below details of the permanent branch of the library as shown in the below image.

For more details on shelving locations, please check our Help Centre.

d - Date acquired

This field will automatically fill with the date the item is being catalogued on when it is clicked into. This will also create a dropdown calendar, where the date populating the field can be changed. 

Example of d - Date acquired filled in:

e - Source of acquisition

The intention of this field is to record where the physical copy was purchased or received from. This might be the publisher, vendor or donator. 

Example of e - Source of acquisition filled in:

f- Coded location qualifier

The intention of this field is to record any issues of the physical item that are being held in another physical location.

This field has little to no practical function on Koha. 

g - Cost, normal purchase price

This field is intended to record how much was paid to buy the item copy. The exact price of the item should be recorded in this field, as there are other fields where replacement price may be recorded, which will be addressed elsewhere in this document.

Example of g - Cost, normal purchase price filled in:

h - Serial Enumeration / chronology

This field is intended to be used with records being received in the Serials module. If the biblionumber for this record is linked to a subscription in the serials module, this field may already be filled in.

Example of  h - Serial Enumeration / chronology filled in:

i - Inventory number

This field is intended to record local identification numbers for items in a catalogue's inventory.

Example of  i - Inventory number filled in:

j - shelving control number

This field is intended to record stack information about the item.

Example of j - Shelving control number filled in:

l - Total checkouts

This field records the number of times the item has been checked out on Koha. 
Best practice is to keep this field hidden.
If the information on the Koha site was migrated from another LMS, this information may or may not have been brought over, depending on the agreement between the library and the support company

Example of l - Total Checkouts filled in:

This field will be automatically updated when the item is checked out and shouldn't be manually filled in or edited. This field will appear blank on newly created records and will be updated as the item is circulated. 

m - Total renewals

This field records the number of times the item has been renewed on Koha. 
Best practice is to keep this field hidden.
If the information on the Koha site was migrated from another LMS, this information may or may not have been brought over, depending on the agreement between the library and the support company.

Example of m - Total Renewals filled in:

This field will automatically updated when the item is renewed and shouldn't be manually filled in or edited. This field will appear blank on newly created records and will be updated as the item is circulated. 

n - Total holds

This field records the number of times the item has been placed on hold on Koha.
Best practice is to keep this field hidden.
If the information on the Koha site was migrated from another LMS, this information may or may not have been brought over, depending on the agreement between the library and the support company.

This field will automatically updated when the item is placed on hold and shouldn't be manually filled in or edited. This field will appear blank on newly created records and will be updated as the item is circulated. 

Example of n - Total Holds filled in:

o - Full call number

This field is intended to record the callnumber for the item. This number will assist in identifying where on the shelves the item is located.

Example of o - Full call number filled in:

p - Barcode

This is the unique number that is manually applied to the item being catalogued. This number should be taken from the sticker that is manually applied to the item with a barcode on it. The number can be typed or scanned in. 

Example of p - Barcode filled in:

q - Checked out

This field records the number of times the item has been checked out on Koha.
Best practice is to keep this field hidden.
If the information on the Koha site was migrated from another LMS, this information may or may not have been brought over, depending on the agreement between the library and the support company.

This field will automatically updated when the item is checked out and shouldn't be manually filled in or edited. This field will appear blank on newly created records and will be updated as the item is circulated. 

This field is automatically filled and shouldn't be edited or manually filled. If the item is not currently checked out, the field will be blank.

Example of q- Checked out filled in:

r - Date last seen

This field will contain the date the item was last scanned. This field will appear blank on newly created records and will be updated as the item is circulated. 

Example of r- Date last seen filled in:

Best practice is to keep this field hidden.

s - Date last checked out

This field will contain the date the item was last checked out. This field will appear blank on newly created records

This field will automatically update after a saved record is checked out.

Example of s - Date last checked out filled in:

Best practice is to keep this field hidden.

t - Copy number

This field is intended for records which may be one of many on the same bibliographic record and in the same physical area of the library. This field allows these items to have particular copies numbered.

Example of t - Copy number filled in:

u - Uniform Resource identifier

This field is intended to record details about URLs related to the item record.

Example of u - Uniform Resource Identifier filled in:

This image shows the display of the link on the finished record.

v - Cost, replacement price

This field is intended to record the price of the purchased item plus the labour of bringing in a new item to replace the old one. This amount in this field is normally more than the g - Cost, normal purchase price.

Example of v - Cost, replacement price filled in:

If an item checked out to a patron goes overdue and is marked as Lost, it is possible to have the price recorded in this field automatically charged to their account. 
For more details on this function, please check our Help Centre.

w - Price effective from

This is the date the cost of the item recoded in the g - Cost, normal purchase price field was added or updated. 

Example of w - Price effective from filled in:

x - Non-public note field

This is a note that will appear only on the staff side of Koha. This note will be hidden from the OPAC.

Example of x - Non-public note filled in:

Display on the complete record on the staff side

The message does not appear on the OPAC.

y - Koha item type

This is the category the item being catalogued will need to be sorted into. Item types are used by the fine and circulation rules to determine which patrons can take out the item and for how long. All items should have an item type assigned to them.

This field is a dropdown menu which is populated by the item type table. 
For more information on Koha item types, please check our Help Centre.

Example of y - Koha item type filled in:

z - Public note

This is a message that will appear on both the staff and OPAC side of Koha.

Example of z - Public note filled in:

Staff side:


Appearance of the saved item record on the staff page

This record shows key fields that were populated when the item was being created. Although some fields are not displayed on the record, they can still be viewed or edited by clicking the Edit button beside the item record

Appearance of the saved item record on the OPAC

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