Many libraries track the use of items within the library.
Tracking the use of items in the library without checking them out can be done in Koha one of two ways. The first is to create one or more Statistical Patrons with a Patron Category of the Type Statistical. When collecting items that have been used within the library, you will want to check them out to your statistical patron:
Instead of marking the item as 'checked out' the system will record that the item was used in house.
Repeat these steps for all items that have been used within the library to keep accurate statistics for item use.
The other way to record local use of items is to set the System Preference for RecordLocalUseOnReturn to 'Record.'
Then whenever you check an item in that is not checked out and not on hold a local use will be recorded.
If you have RecordLocalUseOnReturn set to 'Record' you can still use your statistical patrons to record local use as well but this is unnecessary, choose one method or the other.