Usage Statistics
Koha gathers usage statistics and allows you to share them anonymously with the community if you wish. These worldwide statistics help developers to understand how libraries use Koha, and can influence where they decide to develop new functionality.
The data is stored at:
If you decide to share your data it will be collected by a cron job monthly.
To set this up, go to Administration and search System Preferences for UsageStats. Select Yes and then complete the remaining options as you wish.
UsageStatsLibraryName - the library name.
UsageStatsLibraryUrl - the URL of the library catalog.
UsageStatsLibraryType - what type of library it is.
UsageStatsCountry - the country the library is in.
Finally, contact Interleaf and we will enable the Share Usage Stats Cron job to run on your system and collect the data.