Using the Statistics Wizard
Koha provides a wizard to allow staff to generate statistics using their own criteria. For the example of circulation transactions staff can specify the time period to query and how the results will be reported. The following screens will explain.
First I just want to get counts for the year broken down by Patron Category and Item Type
All reports can be output to screen or exported to be imported to Excel for further manipulation.
Then if I want a breakdown by Month, I simply select to display Period and Group by Month:
To see the busiest days of the week simply change the grouping to Group by Day of Week:
To view usage during the day just change the grouping to Group by Hour:
To view usage on Saturdays during the year I select Saturday from the dropdown for Day:
The librarian can select and / or list by any combination of Time Period, Patron Category, Item Type, Library, Collection, Shelving location, Classification, Department, Course or any other patron attributes which are collected so the possibilities for statistical reporting are numerous.
Totals by year:
Annual statistics by Department:
Koha provides Statistics Wizards for Acquisitions, Cataloguing, Serials, Patrons, Holds and Cash Payments.