Using your MARC Organization Code
The MARC Organization Code is assigned to libraries by the Library of Congress and other national libraries. The codes are used in whatever context requires an institutional identifier, for example in MARC bibliographic records to identify the organisation creating or modifying a record; in systems reporting library holdings and in various types of cooperative projects. If you are using your MARC Organization Code in your bibliographic records, Koha can assist.
Go to Administration and search for System Preference MARCOrgCode and enter your code so it will be filled in by default on all new MARC21 bibliographic records you create. When you are cataloguing you can click into tag 003 - Control Record Identifier and your code will be filled in automatically.
If you have multiple Library locations with individual MARC Organization Codes, you can set these codes in the Library location table, go to Administration, Libraries and edit each library.
You can also insert your code in tag 040 as appropriate.
Tag 040 - Cataloguing Source
Subfield $a - Original cataloging agency
Subfield $c - Transcribing agency
Subfield $d - Modifying agency
You can also assign your code by default in the frameworks, please contract Interleaf if you would like us to update your frameworks.