It is possible to link two patron accounts together, putting one in a guardian or supervisor role and the other as a dependent. In Koha, this type of relationship is known as a guarantor/guarantee relationship, where one account would be responsible for the other.
To clarify the roles of the guarantor and the guarantees, here is a defition to keep in mind:
Guarantor: The account for the patron who is in a position of responsibility for the guarantee.
Guarantee: The account for the patron who is dependent or being supervised by the guarantor.
How to set up a guarantor/guarantee relationship
A gurantor cannot be under a Child type patron category and guarantee must be in a patron category with a Child type.
When creating or editing a patron account which is under a Child type patron category, there will be a section called Patron gurantor.
If this section does not appear, it is possible that it has been hidden from the patron form.

For more information on this, please check our
Help Centre as there are two different ways this can be
Click +Add guarantor.
This will open a pop up box where the patron account to be linked as a guarantor will appear.
It is possible to search for a patron, limiting by patron category and the library branch the patron is in.
Completing this search will bring up any patrons which match the search.
Click Select on the line the patron account is on.
This will add the searched for patron as a guarantor to the patron account being created or edited, which will be the guarantee.
How the relationship will appear on the guarantees account:

How the relationship on the guarantors account:

This is the most basic way the function can be set up, to be a link between two patron accounts by providing labels for the guarantor and guarantee. In addition to this flag, it is possible to set a variety of features and functionalities to alter and enhance how the guarantor/guarantee relationship works.
Version | Date | Detail | Author |
1.0 | 30/12/21 | Doc. Created | Holly Cooper |
1.2 | 31/12/21 | Doc. split | Holly Cooper |